Similar situation on a larger scale, party was gathering Macguffins to stop the impending abberant-based apocalypse. One of them allowed us a roll on the d10000 Wild Magic table once/week. Some party betrayal happened, and a fight broke out over the artifact. The betrayer finally grabbed it and activated it.
DM rolls. DM gets a 10000. The result is “the stars were right!” which apparently is a reference to the Cthulu mythos about the apocalypse beginning. Cue table meltdown as the DM has to improv the sky opening and the horrors descending an IRL month ahead of schedule.
Turns out he punched in “roll 10000” into the dice bot by accident instead of “roll d10000” which gave a fixed result, but we didnt realize that till next week.
My group consults an ancient relic we refer to as the Device Ex Machina. If it deems you worthy, you can have 1 Deus ex machina event per session, pending a vote from the other players.
(If everyone agrees to it, we shake a magic 8 ball and ask if the action or event that’s about to happen according to the rules as they stand should or should not be allowed to happen)
Well, I know that look….
…time for a new character.
“what’s your maximum hp again…?”
“Sorry, friend.”
Just experienced this a couple sessions back… right before a Finger of Death hit
HEY EVERYONE! This guy getting fingered to death!
Well, you DID say you had a character idea…
I play using a VTT so everybody sees what the results are immediately. No telling it to them gently when the troll crits three times during the fight.
But then how do you chuck d20s at your players when they misbehave
Had that moment multiple times last night. My Wednesday group does a sorta-not-AL thing where we play AL adventures plus a few house rules.
The adventure last night pitted us against a Winter Wolf and 4 Dire Wolves. We are a large party (6 characters) that’s a bit more powerful than average (everyone got a free Feat at level 1, but otherwise it was standard 27 point buy.) But even then, that encounter had me and the rogue being whack-a-moles for the Winter Wolf and 2 of the Dire Wolves, and the party’s fighter, barbarian, and wizard barely survived.
Guys, I have never played or seen anyone play D&D in my life, but I still enjoy the memes for some reason. I’ve seen people name powers, roll a dice and then scream in agony or joy… But I never know what the hell is going on. I know a higher number is better but I don’t know what is done with the number. Can someone explain?
Like, I say “ice shield” and I roll a 15. Then what?