Went to the zoo while high.
Sibling wanted to go to the zoo, so we rented an electric cart for my husband and the three of us went out. I decided as weed is legal here to do that as well
Turns out physical activity sucks less when high and there’s animals to look at also
I find that animals seem more like oddly shaped people when I’m high.
Soldering. Anyone who tells you it’s easy is wrong. :P
Was soldering a mod board to a Sega Mega Drive, but ended up getting solder on the cpu’s contacts and needed to get a second one. And it was a pain getting the wires to bind to the traces.
And yes, I probably was doing everything wrong.
Soldering is easy if you have the right tools. Those old school solder irons with the ceramic element dangling inside a metal tube suck balls. Get yourself a direct heat iron like the pinecil and some flux and it’s SOOOOO much easier.
It sounds like you’re talking about Weller style irons and the ones where the part you hold plugs directly into the wall are quite terrible. However, they are an industry standard and most soldering stations will use a Weller tip. I have a knock off Hakko 936 that’s like 15 years old now and cost me $25 and it solders like a dream.
I’m talking about all of the older style soldering irons, including like that Hakko. The Pinecil is $25 AND solders better. Once I switched to a direct heat iron I can never go back. The difference is HUGE.
They are closer to $40-60 after shipping, not $25. I have been using a $10 Weller for a lot of years, with proper technique I have never been able to notice a difference in my joints or difficulty in soldering. I prefer my Weller for some jobs because it simply has more thermal mass. Stuff like repairing the connections on a 3D printer hotbed would be impossible with a Pinecil.
I’ve had tools, teachers, and time.
I can’t solder or braze to save my fucking life, but I’ll weld circles around you with oxy, stick, mig, or tig.
Doesn’t make a damn bit of sense to me
I felt the same the first time I tried but it honestly takes a few tries to start getting it right. The kind of iron and solder matter a lot; the older ceramic core ones suck and the JBC/pinecil type are much superior. Part of the problem with the ceramic type ones is they have one setting - full blast - and not good temperature control. With a pinecil/JBC you can set the temperature to 300C and expect to get 300C. Too hot and it will boil off the flux before you’re done soldering and you just get crud.
In terms of solder, leaded rosin core solder is the best. Don’t worry about the lead, as long as you wash your hands. Use a brass sponge type thing to clean the tip frequently to remove crud
For through holes, I’d say get some veroboard off eBay and a bunch of cheap resistors and just start plugging away until you get better. Process is basically - have tip with a bit of solder, poke to pad and pin, put solder into joint and hold 1-3 seconds until solder flows onto pad and pin, remove tip. Putting some flux on in advance helps remove the oxides before soldering
For surface mount (side pads/pins), there are kits with cheap/obsolete/trash components you can just plug away at without fear of messing anything up. Soldering smt is a bit annoying but doable by hand without much training. the process is basically: tin one pad, use tweezers to place part and reheat the solder until the part is in place, solder the rest of the pads, reheat first pad to relieve stress.
Even for large parts, I used to have trouble with unsteady hands. If you are doing smt you really need a microscope or magnifying glass for anything smaller than 0805 - really helps with the visual feedback loop for hand positioning. A microscope significantly improved my dexterity and hand steadiness
Soldering is easy like writing is easy. Meaning it’s pretty tricky actually, but after you’ve been doing it every day for years you forget how hard it was to learn.
Source: I’m actually pretty terrible at it, I have soldered stuff over the years but very rarely and never developed the skill. I got good enough to be able to say “I can solder” and I am confident enough to make attempts at tricky stuff, but I expect many failures along the way. Still, even with that it’s easy to feel how more regular practice makes it feel like second nature.
I had to solder in design and technology in secondary school. I have dyspraxia which is a disability which affects hand eye coordination so it was bitch to solder.
I feel your pain. I just soldered my first solder adding an arcade joystick button as a killswitch on my guitar. It was not nearly as precise as soldering a board and it was still a PITA. Us humans just don’t have enough hands.
Honestly, I don’t see what all the fuss is about. To me it feels like coffee, but it only lasts 15 minutes, tastes like shit, and costs upwards of a testicle and a half where I am. And no, I’m not looking for anyone to try and change my mind on that.
because its too difficult to do coffee off sexy body parts.
You’re only saying that because you haven’t seen me brew coffee with my buttcheeks.
Do you percolate
You will when you see it!
I’m percolating right now
pix or it didn’t happen
[also its’ 2024 so you have access to AI. Get [pardon the pun] cracking]
May I ask out of curiosity what led to the decision that this was a good idea?
Basically, it was in front of me, and I’ve got an unfortunate amount of experience kicking stimulant habits (I was an Adderall kid), so I figured I wasn’t at any particular risk of getting addicted. I tried it a few more times after that and came to the same conclusion, so at this point I don’t think I’ve touched the stuff in over a year.
Also I was drunk every time someone offered it to me.
Why not? Sometimes people like to try new things.
Username checks out
I’ve never tried cocaine in any form, just have never had any interest in it.
Some drugs are fun
I’m inclined to ask, are you sure you got true concentrated cocaine? I don’t encourage cocaine, but it sounds like you got scammed with something the seller could more easily get their hands on.
Yeah I was gonna say… either dude drinks cocaine coffee daily or it was some shitty cocaine
It was probably shitty coke, but there was at least one time where my buddy said “yo this is some good stuff” and it still didn’t do it for me. Who knows if it actually was good stuff, though.
Made hassleback potatoes.
sounds like a lot of work
worth it though
Did a jewelry workshop and crafted myself a silver ring that looked dope af. That was enjoyable.
Share a picture of it!
The one on the left is my wife’s and on the right is mine. The design is basically a bird finger wrapped around the ring. Some may say it actually looks like a witch’s finger xD
Those turned out really good! My first guess for yours would’ve been rattlesnake, but i see the wrinkle lines now. Lol
Bought an ebike. I’ve wanted one for over 10 years, and finally the circumstances were right for me to justify it.
Tiling a floor
How did it go?
It was only a small hallway (3,5m2) but it went better than I’d hoped. I’m really proud, even though I’ll always see the imperfections too.
So great success
You should be proud of yourself! We tiled our kitchen backsplash. Everyone says it looks great, but i only see the one tile that’s upside down.
Yeah that’s the thing. I think in the end the pride prevails, as others fall to spot it.
Anyway good job, it’s great picking up skills!
I used pentagons. It went terribly
Oh good God. On your first try? RIP
Preserved and framed a 1500-piece puzzle I completed
Bought a book on programming. Have been doing hobby coding for a few decades. Going to dive into a larger project so trying to learn some better practices
What book was it ?
Design Patterns by Eric Freeman and Elisabeth Robson
I really got a lot from Clean Code and Working Effectively With Legacy Systems
Read clean code during an internship and it helped me transition from hacker to engineer.
Made a wattle and daub wall. It’s surprisingly hard to get right.
deleted by creator
Well apparently a few things that nobody actually bothered to write down is what kind of mud of need, how hard you need to force it into the wood, how much fiber you need to add.
I mean, it’s kinda like those old cookbooks that just say “keep in medium oven until done”. Everyone just sort of assumes you have the Knack.
Its partly because I do reenactment, and partly because I want a shed that I made myself. This is mostly a test to see how long it will survive in the rainy Netherlands.
Washed a tent.
A canvas one? Thats such a shitty job.
Thankfully no, it’s nylon. Was mostly just a lot of soaking in the tub and agitating over a couple of hours.
Moved out of my parents house to live by myself.
Took Dilaudid.
Had this really weird extreme pain in my side, felt like I had ruptured something. Ended up in the ER Tuesday. :(
Doc says that it’s kind of like appendicitis, but because it’s on the left side instead of the right they call it “Epiploic Appendagitis”.
Nobody seems to know why it happens, just that it hurts like fuck and isn’t dangerous.
Treatment is massive painkillers.
Sorry to hear that, hope it gets better soon!
I functioned for most of today without painkillers, so that was good, but man, I am DONE for the day.
I finally hacked my 3ds, using the tools at https://3ds.hacks.guide. It was surprisingly easy, and gives you access to
- homebrew!
- emulators!
- online play for most games! (see: Pretendo Network)
- custom home screen themes!
I waited until Nintendo shut down their servers 'cause I was worried about bans, but now there’s no excuse. Go liberate your 3ds, it takes less than an hour.
Called a tax professional.
How did it go? I need to do that but I’ve been putting it off for a year.
Not the person you asked, but in my experience: in the worst case you end up paying more for something that was rather simple, but in the best case they find some nice savings.
That being said, if you have the money and just don’t like doing taxes, it’s pretty fantastic to just send someone your papers and wait.
Thanks. Don’t know why in so nervous about it. I’ve always done it myself but i lost my mom last year and i have no idea how to handle her house stuff. I got a recommendation and now I’m just trying to work up the courage to call.
It is pretty nice. I’d much rather work a day of overtime at my job, and let them handle the paperwork.