I guess now we find out if NSFW memes are allowed here, because I think this might be the first one for this community. Kudos for just posting porn instead of cropping it like most memes though. Gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your next saving throw against Fear effects for your lewd bravery. Even if this isn’t really ttrpg related, like, at all.
I guess now we find out if NSFW memes are allowed here, because I think this might be the first one for this community. Kudos for just posting porn instead of cropping it like most memes though. Gain a +2 circumstance bonus to your next saving throw against Fear effects for your lewd bravery. Even if this isn’t really ttrpg related, like, at all.
This comment brought to you by the PF2 gang.
It was worth of shot! Though the community DOES seem against it…
We need some form of tagging that lets adults adult but kids can still see the rest.
Some kind of NSFW tag, per se? Some kind of limitation on NSFW content that requires you to opt in to see it?
…I must admit, I don’t quite get feddiverse stuff, but I have all of that on my end at least.