A Muscovite was fined 50 thousand rubles under an article about “discrediting” the army because of his dyed hair.

At the end of April this year, Stas Netesov came to the police department to write a statement about theft - he was attacked at a bus stop, his phone was stolen and his tooth was knocked out. However, a report was drawn up against him for “discrediting” the RF Armed Forces.

The police did not like the appearance of the young man; they considered his blue and yellow hair colors to be support for Ukraine. In addition, security forces took fingerprints from the young man. They also told Netesov that they would force him to “kiss his native soil in the trenches” and handed him a summons to the military registration and enlistment office.

The Tverskoy Court of Moscow fined Netesov 50 thousand rubles in early May.

  • volvoxvsmarla
    10 months ago

    For reference, a friend of mine who works full time as a teacher in St. Petersburg was making about 350-400€ a month back in 2017. With inflation and the exchange rate falling, she is probably making 200€ now. So $550 is a lot of money, even if you live in a major city.