I notice they will do the “males are evil default”, and some of them have conspiracy theory’s like artificial wombs are going to replace women.
On the incel side you have conspiracy theory’s that think women are trying to “genocide ugly males”, and think that women are evil. Both of these groups are copying each other more than they would hate to admit.
If a person had any self awareness at all they would realize that terrorizing .6% of the population that are already extremely marginalized and cause no harm of any kind whatsoever is a really dumb thing to do, and they would not do that.
Because neither read theory :bonk:
/r/gendercritical had the most shared users with /r/femcels so that probably explains
because it’s fascism on both sides. they just picked a different other as the source of all evil.
It is very weird how they both call each other “male” or “female” like I swear both of these group treat each other as different species.
remember when the race realists started arguing subsaharan africans are actually a different species of human? oh wait, they’ve been doing that for 400 years.
They do. It’s the same dynamic as Hoteps and online Nazis.