Will Sasso is a treasure
The if sopranos was on the Pax network is my favorite of his skits https://youtu.be/9RFdg4CHBgg
deleted by creator
So good.
This is my favorite: https://youtu.be/if27InJBtEI?feature=shared
I was raised on the dairy… BITCH!
Shame he’s just resorted to using AI to tell the jokes he wrote and pissing off the family and fans of George Carlin.
What now?
Look up “Dudesy.”
Mad TV was like SNL, but funny.
And “In Living Color” blows them both out of the water.
In Living Color, Liquid Television, The Simpsons when it first came on. For some reason these little separate groupings of people with no connection at all to one another just all decided it was okay to show genius weird shit on TV, all of a sudden, when before that it was all just “Cheers” and bullshit and whatever.
A lot of it came from Fox being the young upstart network that wanted to make waves. They started green lighting shows that no other network would put on air and it let the writers cut loose and even make fun of Fox as a network. It made them cool and less stuffy, while letting them grab onto the Gen X/Millennial core audience group. Lots of other channels did the same thing and were successful, but rarely to the degree of late 80s - early 90s Fox.
It’s always been cool to make fun of Lil Stevie.
It was good fun to shit on him until he got beat up in a fight and ACTUALLY shat his pants. Then it just got sad.
Nah, listen to the Behind the Bastards episode on him. He’s a piece of shit, and I’ll never feel sad on his behalf.
When he snaps the owners arm I lost it
Ha yes I laughed out loud at that! Also when he kicked Phil LaMarrr over the counter 🤣
you can tell this isn’t actually cape cod by the number of minorities in a single building
And because the random strangers he bothers tell him things like “Hey look, we don’t want any trouble, okay?” instead of to go fuck himself and mind his business.
Best Steven Seagall movie. Even beats out that one where the topless woman pops out of a cake.
he walks fatly real good
I always liked the one where he can “fly.”
If this isn’t an accurate representation of a large portion of Americans.
They see themselves as the badass hero stopping The Scum from fucking up everything around them, when really it’s just these guys fucking up everything around them in their thirst for vigilante justice.
How predictable for a .ml to turn a funny parody comedy sketch of a shit celeb who shills for putin into murkuh bad
Sorry for seeing some media and commenting about the similarities between it and situations I’ve experienced firsthand in my offline life
Now for another observation you won’t like: this type of person is not representative of the entire country, and it’s weird that you jumped to that conclusion