We have Lemmy.world, Lemmy.ml, beehaw.org, I think even yiffit.net. If I log in using wefwef it asks me where I want to login. And when I make a new account using another instance, it says ”… Lemmy is federated, so you can interact with everything on lemmy.ml even if you’re registered on a different instance.“ So if I’m registered on lemmy.world, how can I interact with lemmy.ml?
From what I’ve heard, only communities from other instances that users in your instance are subscribed to will show up. This is because (as far as I know) the instances only request data from other instances of what users have requested, and not a constant stream of updates that no one has a need for.
This is exactly correct.
This means there is a slight advantage to being on a larger instance. Of course, you’re gonna have to deal with a laggier experience as the server gets overloaded. If you don’t mind using the lemmy explorer to hunt down the subs you want to subscribe to, it’s a better experience.
Federation can lag too. Someone made this to track federation lags on big instances: https://aftershock.lemmy.management/public/dashboards/oT7pdcoeHWccpvZCNmTpJKoGZND8ZdRO3wDWpMug?org_slug=default
Wow, didn’t realize Beehaw.org was struggling that hard. Thanks for the link.
Now it completely missing from the list. Maybe they were doing some maintenance which explain the lags.
Thank you for this.
I couldn’t see the community I made on lemmy.world in lemm.ee until I searched for it multiple times until it finally showed up. So some users may believe the community they’re searching for may not exist, even though it does on an another instance. Best to use Lemmy Explorer just in case when looking for a community.
It requires searching for the community to start the federation process. Depening on how bloated your instance is that speed can vary.