Wait until you hear Salvini talking. He also sprinkles some “as a father” on it.
Wait until you hear Salvini talking. He also sprinkles some “as a father” on it.
I doubt that she used Cincinnatus as an example
The problem is having to spend more than ⅓ of my day working.
If only there was a way to teach someone English as a foreign language /s
Nana is so proud of you
JD is starting to realize that there is a second group chat
First of all, “one party” simply asked for regulation instead of bending over for the NRA without it even reaching around to return the courtesy. Second, there is a reason why lone gunmen shoot up schools and not military bases.
Even the Joker refused to work with the Red Skull once he discovered his political affiliations
Given the choice between far-right and far-left, parties like the CDU will always go with the fascists
Death, taxes, German having a word for it, whatever it may be.
And if we help them [the abnormal children] with all our dedication, we also render the best service to our Volk; not only by avoiding that they burden the Volksgemeinschaft with their dissocial and criminal acts, but also by trying to ensure that they fulfill their duties as productive individuals in the living organism of the Volk. (Asperger H. Das psychisch abnorme Kind. Wien Klin Wochenschr. 1938;49:1314–7.)
Dude was a Nazi, somehow people made up this story that saw him as a sort of good guy who wanted to protect children
They’d blame Obama for being president while Black
Something along the lines of this
Nazis pulled the whole Asperger thing out of thin air because certain deviants could still be useful workers
I’d like to see MAGA’s cognitive dissonance in trying to conceptualize Trump getting peed on as a power move of his
Elon didn’t know what to do with his hands, or limbs in general
Lol. Elon’s alleged autism comes in handy whenever he pulls off something that would embarass a teenage edgelord
He would probably threaten to carpet bomb the fuck out of you and whine when generals don’t do it
And the swastika was a Hindu symbol, blah blah blah.
Hanging dictators upside down is also a very powerful gesture.
He doesn’t run shit anymore, assuming that he’s ever run something more than his mouth.
He’s just like one of those opportunistic diseases that attack a body with a compromised immune systems.
And while I work my shitty job I’ll think about how cool it is that I’m not a Nazi *shrugs
PS: since he’s Trump’s propaganda arm, I think that he won’t hang by his feet, he’ll just bite into a cyanide pill to avoid prosecution.
This isn’t fascism yet, even though you’re fast-tracked to it.
You must be fun at resistance parties. I guess it’s time to annihilate ourselves through labor then (งツ)ว