Yeah, I live in a neighborhood that’s kinda in-between suburban and rural. I.e. a neighborhood of 1/4 acre lots surrounded by mostly protected shrubland. The deer seem to have learned to stay in the neighborhood where they can’t be hunted. They often sleep in people’s back and sometimes even front yards. I don’t really mind them, except for the fact that they’ll eat almost anything I try to plant, and even jump my backyard fence to eat their favorite plants.
Marginal cost doesn’t always decrease. More people buying gold or whatever won’t decrease the price of gold. The cheapest way to feed cattle is to just let them graze, but there isn’t enough land on Earth for everyone to eat as much beef as Americans, even if using intensive agriculture to grow feed (which degrades the soil over time and results in large amounts of greenhouse gas emissions). I don’t think there’s enough land on Earth to maintain the current human population for very long. I.e. I think we are in the overshoot phase of a boom and bust population dynamic. Saw this graphic a while back, and it’s wild how much of the biomass we’ve took over: