If you have a specific criticism of me, I’m all ears. But I see nothing wrong with looking at what Mao of all people had to say about how leftists should talk to people. We are trying to get other people to become leftists, aren’t we?
To meet a quotation from Mao with a bunch of insults and accusations of racism… I don’t know what else to call that but wrecking.
I agree that the U.S. is more selfish and individualistic than even other capitalist countries. I agree that fewer people in the U.S. will respond positively to discussion than they would in other countries.
But some people will respond to it, while no one – especially not hyper-individualists! – will respond to variations on “fuck off.” I’d rather engage with some people than with no people, because while the former may be a long shot, the latter is a guaranteed loss.
I genuinely don’t get how anyone thinks “agree with everything I say immediately or fuck off” is going to accomplish anything. That is exactly the shit we laugh at small weirdo ultra sects for doing.