Палачинки (palachinki) in Bulgarian. Also, hello fellow Lidl-customer and Martenitsa-enjoyer.
Палачинки (palachinki) in Bulgarian. Also, hello fellow Lidl-customer and Martenitsa-enjoyer.
The only time Disney tried to play the tropes somewhat straight again was the Princess and the Frog, and THAT was a major flop (though racism probably also played a part in that).
Probably, I watched because of my kid recently, and it striked me as one of the better Disney movies. In fact, it’s a pretty awesome one compared to recent bigger hits like Frozen and etc.
Well, that was a good watch, and I definitely hadn’t watched this exact one! Thanks, internet stranger, you might have just rekindled my love of TNG. Now, on to some other episodes, this time in order.
Interesting. I will check it out. ST: TNG is the only Star Trek I’ve enjoyed, and I have watched only a few full episodes, like a century ago, so I was gearing for a rewatch anyway.
It’s a reference to Tool’s “Rosetta Stoned”. Its protagonist tells a wild story how on a drug trip he met some wise aliens who shared some very important message with him. But sadly he forgot his pen, so he couldn’t write it down, and forgot all. Consequently, like your partner, he came back pretty pissed off (or soiled, you might say).
But hey, getting secret alien knowledge on how to play the flute is still a positive, so good for your guy.
meeting wise aliens and disappointedly coming back to this stupid life.
Did he also happen to forget his pen?
I think that’s what they’re saying
Indeed, a well researched dive into these communities. Got bleak by the end, but I guess there are lessons to be learned from everything.
I’ve still read only half of it, and it’s quite the story.
Z = the Russian version of calling people Nazis because they opposed Putin.
This is the first time I hear that, do you have any source?
All I know about “Z” and Russia is they used it to mark some of their divisions early in the war, and it later became a rallying sign for them, for supporting that same war and Putin. So quite the favorable thing for them, even if it’s used only in war propaganda.
There are plenty of Android-based eReaders available too, so you can just do a CYOA app geared directly (or having a specific mode) for such e-Ink devices’ particular graphics.
I agree on the outdated UI, but at least it gives you a ton of options that official apps would never allow you, or babysit you too much to offer.
I’ve literally used Calibre 2-3 times, and while the UI seemed daunting at first, it was logical and did did its job quite fast when figured out. And I usually don’t need to use it afterwards for another long period.
Good luck doing that to my 2012 5th gen Kindle that’s been off the update schedule for an eternity.
Also it doesn’t mention much of a “peace plan”, these are just Trump’s terms to “reparate” him for all the aid the US sent to Ukraine. Ukraine didn’t sign this exact deal because it didn’t even offer them any security guarantees in return. Clickbait journalism.
Plenty of 4k with HDR on Real Debrid. Or even better quality and bitrate ripped from BRs, in the open waters.
“Some of you may die, but it’s a sacrifice I am willing to make.” ~ Lard Fuckwad
Well, on a screen so small, you’d always be limited in what can be shown. I definitely can add events to my Calendar on Galaxy Watch 6 though, the problem is if I’d ever want to do it from the watch or check them on it. I use it for reminders and notifications checking mostly, personally.
Maybe it’s way more usable with Bixby or other voice assistants, but I’m really put off by the privacy and battery-draining aspects of those.
Drunvalo Melchizedek. Indirectly.