*Catholiban ;)
*Catholiban ;)
hic sunt dracones; here be dragons
leones means lions ;)
tankies are left in exactly the same way North Korea is democratic
it’s almost like we can’t program something we don’t understand in the first place or something…weird how that works! ;)
or, you know, host it somewhere with existing fucking infrastructure???
it’s not like brazil doesn’t have any conference centres anywhere else…
the ancient greeks are so fucking jealous right now…
to save some folks a click:
the phenomenon is called the “halo effect”, and the opposite is also the case and called the “horns effect” (ugly people/things getting more negative judgement based on appearance).
there’s a LOT of research into these effects (for obvious reasons)…
and that is, by definition, NOT “DRM”.
really? i was pretty sure there is a toggle for that…might be misremembering tho.
i find toggle ads to be kinda clunky, so i always use hold ads anyways…except in games with lots of sniping/camping, that’s the only exception!
was meant more like an FYI for anyone reading, not just you, but if you wanna give it another shot, go for it!
the 2.0 update really is one of the best updates of any large game in recent years ;)
there’s still a bunch of problems with the game, but none that are important enough to keep anyone from playing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
I’m pretty sure that was fixed with 2.0, but i can also remember that being a pain… anyhow: no longer the case!
“steam” isn’t DRM: it supports DRM, but it’s not DRM in itself. it offers the option to devs, and many use it, but it’s entirely optional.
saying steam “is DRM” is misinformation.
cyberpunk keymapping isn’t the best out-of-the-box, but it’s completely customizable…still could be a lot better…
important to note about the “not adding Fluoride” bit: many countries have to remove fluoride from drinking water because there’s too much of it…
wow, no.
none of what you said is actually true.
seriously, if you make a claim contradicting both the very premise of the post, and common knowledge on the topic, then at least provide a source for that claim, lr explain WHY you think your claim is true.
“all the information is there” is not enough information to verify the claim; it’s a wild guess without evidence to back it up.
if shit where THAT simple, we’d have it figured out 50 years ago… it’s almost like this isn’t the simple problem you desperately want it to be…
this completely ignores larger traffic patterns like arterial roads.
with your idea you are guaranteed to get massive gridlock all along the major roads.
and biochemical assembly of proteins has just about nothing to do with either shop-floor-planning or traffic regulation.
what you are suggesting IS better than simple timers!
but it is NOT better than central coordination.
you are seriously underestimating the complexity of the problem, and your “all you need to do…” bs only shows how little you understand of the underlying issues.
do you really think nobody else has thought of what you’re proposing?
of course people have thought of this approach. it doesn’t work.
how would that even work, if there’s no indication that driving too fast was the reason for the red light?
do these actually include some sort of screen that tells the driver they were too fast and that’s why the light turned red?
I’d imagine that this “feature” would only result in more frustration, and thus more speeding, instead of less.
I’m extremely sceptical about local data being enough to properly guide traffic…
the problem is that intersections are connected.
one intersection influences others down the line, wether that is by keeping back too much traffic, thereby unnecessarily restricting flow, or by letting too much traffic flow, thus creating blockages.
you need a big picture approach, and you need historical data to estimate flow on any given day.
neither can be done with local data.
could you (slightly) improve traffic by using local traffic flow to determine signals? probably, sure.
but in large systems, on metropolitan scales, that will inevitably lead to unforseen consequences that will probably probe impossible to solve with local solutions or will need to be handles by hard coded rules (think something like “on friday this light needs to be green for 30 sec and red for 15 sec, from 8-17h, except on holidays”) which just introduces insane amounts of maintenance…
source: i used to do analysis on factory shop-floor-planning, which involves simulation of mathematically identical problems.
things like assembly of parts that are dependant on other parts, all of which have different assembly speeds and locations, thus travel times, throughout the process. it gets incredibly complex, incredibly quickly, but it’s a lot of fun to solve, despite being math heavy! one exercise we did at uni, was re-creating the master’s thesis of my professor, which was about finding the optimal locations for snow plow depots containing road salt for an entire province, so, yeah, traffic analysis is largely the same thing math-wise, with a bit of added complexity due to human behavior.
i can say, with certainty, that the data of just the local situation at any given node is not sufficient to optimize the entire system.
you are right about real-time data being important to account for things like construction. that is actually a problem, but has little to do with the local data approach you suggested and can’t be solved by that local data approach either… it’s actually (probably) easier to solve with the big data approach!
oh, neat!
i didn’t know that!