Neat! I expect we’ll see Jared in Squadron 42 as well.
If they’re going through all the trouble of modeling his character and scanning him in, they should capture and use as much as they possibly can.
Neat! I expect we’ll see Jared in Squadron 42 as well.
If they’re going through all the trouble of modeling his character and scanning him in, they should capture and use as much as they possibly can.
What’s a fifth wheel, in this context?
I don’t know why but this really resonates with me and kind of feels profound.
Has there been any word on progress, plans and/or status of Transit Refactor? Is that back on any “roadmaps”?
Is there some easy way to scan the UPC code on a product and find its country of origin?
It looks like you’re giving up gaming in favour of a social life.
Very wholesome!
Amen. It was always very busy when I visited. I wonder why it shut down, and could not at least relocate within the city if the University plaza rent was too high.
I was thinking this was intended for skateboards and scooters.
Just to confirm, there’s no plan to subsidize the rebuilding of $40,000,000 mansions, right?
The soundtrack sounds utterly delectable already. It’s getting harder to temper my hype for this game.
Unfortunately I still doubt Ubisoft won’t somehow butcher this project with some heinous mentization schemes.
These poor devs shouldnt be working right now.
We all just need to play something else for a couple weeks, or stick with 3.24, as painful as that is, lol.
deleted by creator
I agree with /u/9point6 above. This type of game is less marketable for add-on content.
I appreciate the reply and link! I will just take your word for it, however.
Makes me wonder if “Ass Cancer” is a real thing, but not enough to google it at work.
I said “Presumed immortality”. Meaning Moriarty presumed he would live forever. They did not know they were in a memory cube. They had no reason to believe they wouldn’t exist forever, as a hologram manifested into reality.
Now if the concept of desiring death in the face of immortality is foreign to you, then I invite you to watch Season 2 Episode 18 of Star Trek Voyager: Death Wish
I meant they’d go insane with their presumed immortality.
Did Moriarty want to be conscious for eternity?
Wow. The amount of physical sets is quite surprising, along with some practical effects like those cactus cubes.
I’m also surprised this film took so long to be greenlit and created, considering The Lego Movie’s success ten years ago.
Not to take this post too seriously, but why wouldn’t the holodeck simulate aging, as well?
If growth and aging were not a part of their universe then Moriarty and the Countess would go insane during their “lifetime of exploration and adventure”.
Based off clarification from a couple SC YouTubers, they can apparently still be looted, but the downed player will respawn with them too, essentially cloning the equipped items.
I think a dev came onto Saltemike’s ‘Answer the Call’ episode. Sorry I can’t remember exactly , right now.