Your original comment is unclear or unnecessary, I think that’s why people are confused.
Your original comment is unclear or unnecessary, I think that’s why people are confused.
Except maybe cholera
So the problem is the hypocrisy of the news empire, not an idiotic thesis?
Why not both?
Are you implying that we should only do good things if they are the most good things in existence? Like, I shouldn’t have an electric car because planes exist? Please enlighten me.
“cleared by polygraph” sounds a little like “cleared by his horoscope”
If everyone gets to be immortal, imagine never being able to get rid of dictators. Putin’s 600th won election.
People in the future wouldn’t be allowed to have children, Earth will be filled to the brim with very old people and very few new ideas.
I get that, but am I wrong?
Exactly, like if someone doesn’t want kids I wouldn’t want to be their child, let them not have them
Where I live you pretty much cannot adopt if you’re past 40, except when someone put their kid in their last will for you.
Exactly, it’s the fourth forbidden one, it helps with debunking theist views for instance
Such a genuinely good reductio, I’m stealing this!
I suppose in most clinical trials you would want to be in the placebo group, no?
I like AI. But I’m not sure I like the way we use it if it’s only to meet shareholders’ expectations or to be a tool for greedy people. What is your opinion concerning the way we seem to use AI in academic research?
J’avais cette peur aussi, mais les machines sont moins bruyantes qu’avant, ça dépend beaucoup du masque. Les coussins nasaux font peu de bruit. C’est comme de s’entendre respirer plus fort un peu, et je suis normalement assez sensible aux bruits, mais cela me détend, c’est presque méditatif.
Il y a même moyen de l’entendre moins ou presque pas du tout si on la cache dans un petit meuble.
Attention, je croyais aussi ne faire de l’apnée du sommeil qu’en dormant sur le dos, parce que je ne ronflais que lorsque je dormais sur le dos, mais je me trompais.
Un test maison de l’apnée obstructive du sommeil m’a révélé que j’en faisais en dormant sur le côté aussi, même sans ronfler. Je dors maintenant avec un CPAP et mon sommeil est bien plus réparateur. En plus, il y a beaucoup de risques de santé associés à l’apnée. Ça vaut la peine de vérifier selon moi!
Just enough time for like 12 turns, really
You guys have cigarette stores?
If I told my friends I pushed them away because of “Mauerbauertraurigkeit” they would Mauerbauertraurigkeit me.
Why should we not? Genuinely curious.
Are there ongoing atrocities committed by China? Yes. Committed by the West? Also yes.