I thought my blatant misuse of it would make up for that fact
Me: what’s the point of being alive if i have to constantly be looking for more income to survive
That fucking guy: what
I’m going to pretend you did anyway
I feel like I’m going to have to edit a /s into all these posts for the next time someone goes through my post history
Yeah by forcing people to become doctors at gunpoint. Slave doctors are still slaves
As is your right!
We already do it’s <whatever code makes the tagline say the username of whoever is logged in>
That’s not real capitalism that’s crony corporatism oligarchy look at sweden they do it right
Did you make this? It’s beautiful
What if i compared the worst times in socialist countries with the best times in capitalist ones? That would probably make you cry
Actually you tankies are more like voldemort and I’m the legendary guy with the scar who’s here to maintain the status quo
Consider human nature. It’s innately programmed in our brains to hoard wealth
If everybody gets paid the same, what’s the incentive to be a doctor?
I could take a shift as the lib
Oh so you didn’t accept sources you don’t agree with? Not very dialectical of you
I mean the newer My Little pony TV series kind of develops into this in the later seasons lol.
My kid really likes it
Honestly the machine that can x ray tcg booster packs card by card is going to cause some very localized market crashes lol
Having an innocuous conversation about dogs in the mega earlier when someone dumped their violent fantasy of what they’d do if a dog attacked them in there. Same vibe