OK. Awesome. Lets just glaze over the whole illegal email server part. It’s great that there is a process.
Are THEY following that process, though?
This is the list of things “done” at the executive level: the Federal Register.
This does not include the things done by The Elongated Bellybutton.
Domestic tomcats frequently kill every kitten they sire. The theory that I hold is that the tomcats murder kittens to both prevent competition and to prepare the queen (the female cat - and yes, they are referred to as queens) for mating sooner.
$100k in eggs?
So, like 4 or 5 dozen?
But wait! Your good buddy Donnie signed an Executive Order to ensure that we planned a really good birthday party for America’s 250th!
Sorry, I have been reading each and every Executive Order to better understand where we are and where we are going.
Nothing is rare if it happens to you.
This is the way.
I liked it. I’ve been around people who sing lyrics to fit certain moments or emotions. I found it to be pretty spot-on. “Real” musicals aren’t realistic.
Are you me?
I am trying to understand why they would both prevent abortion AND cut healthcare. I don’t believe any generation is more or less compliant. I think that each group is compliant to different things.
I agree with both statements (and so do facts). I am trying to sound out why both actions are occurring simultaneously.
My thought comes from a place thinking about the logic. Is it something like, “we don’t care if a handful (or even more) die in child birth, so long as we have a huge surge in fresh new population.”
Maybe I am trying to understand logical reasoning that isn’t present.
A real world response to denied claims and prior authorizations is to ask a few qualifying questions during the appeals process. Submit claims and prior authorizations with the full expectation that they will be denied, because the shareholders must have caviar, right?
Anecdotal case in-point:
You desperately need a knee surgery to prevent a potential worse condition. The Prior Authorization is denied.
You have the right to appeal that ruling, and you can ask what are the credentials for the doctor who gave the ruling. If, per se, a psychologist says that a knee surgery isn’t medically necessary, you can ask them which specialized training they have received in the field of psychiatry that brought them to that conclusion.
So why push to prevent abortion?
Real question, no troll.
Kill people by preventing care on one side. Prevent people from unwanted pregnancy on the other. Maybe they want a rapid turnover in population because the older generations aren’t compliant.
With the massive changes to the Department of Education, maybe they have plans to severely dumb down the next few generations into maleable, controllable wage slaves.
Maybe I just answered my own question.
Just. You know…
become a state.
So PS3 Demons Souls. Got it.
I’m going to find a way to get Robyn.
This way, when he doesn’t want to peacefully transition in 4 years, all he has to do it wave his tiny hands, pout his lips, and say “you know what to do”. When anarchy erupts, he will say he totally didn’t mean it…again.
I was there. In the ancient times.