Not just Tor.
Opera GX on mobile is also blocked. Might just be because they are building it up atm?
Not just Tor.
Opera GX on mobile is also blocked. Might just be because they are building it up atm?
Oh cool, didn’t think to see a community for this podcast! Cool!
It was a stupid decision. Sunsetting absolutely trashed my enjoyment in hunting rolls when it was starting to develop.
I am also not really a fan of the main seasonal weapons not being craftable rn. Craftable weapons were what made me actually care about them, because I could feasibly get good rolls
What kinda feels worse is that they unsunsetted things even when they were vehemently against doing that x.x
Partner and I played Mario Kart 8, was quite fun!
In the new release, yes. Though by that metric, no game is a success as Manor Lord is platinum. Interestingly, Enshrouded is not in the top sellers, even though it is older by quite a few months.
Comparing it only to its peers in the category to measure success is a pitfall. Manor Lord is in the highest, platinum, tier, and that is an RTS, colony sim made by a single dev. Does that make all other games in the platinum tier no success?
On Steam, it is in the Bronze category. Considering it only released in october and people seem to have quite some issues with the game, I still consider that quite successful
Oh, I am aware that there is no orthography, my grandfather only writes in Züridütsch, and it sometimes varies.
Besides Baselerdütsch I am pretty unfamiliar with the rest. And the one in the Text struck me neither as Basel nor Zürich, hence me asking.
Love those. Weird bugs, but funny when they occur.
Also, which dialect of Swiss is that? I can read and understand it but so confused about the spelling xD
Super gewählter Grau-Ton. Man kann es wirklich sehr gut lesen, hat mich etwas überrascht!
Wahrscheinlich eher Yokai a là kasa-obake oder nurikabe. Denke nicht, dass du plötzlich so einen böswilligen Geist bekommst, weil sie zwischen den Jahren hing. Gibt sicherlich auch einen mit Wäsche assoziierten Yokai gibt
Thanks, I am not particularly well versed in analytical process, still early in my studies. But I’ll give it a shot.
It’s a great tool to have, cool to see it around!
This is really cool and interesting!
I am especially curious how the detection works. Do you use an LLM model to analyze the pictures or something else?
Definitely not very big, but tiny is an overstatement. https://andersonexpressinc.com/index.php?page=about-us, I would consider them small.
But yeah, to me, this seems more like a violent disagreement than anything on the level of the UHC shooting
https://andersonexpressinc.com/index.php?page=about-us they seem relatively big, 74+ locations and in the machining business from how I understand it.
Not necessarily that in concept but who knows how the conditions are
It also feels kinda on point of what CEOs are sometimes supposed to be. I am not sure where I got this image from, but how I often viewed CEOs for companies where the CEO is not also the founder, is that those CEOs are the figureheads for what the company is doing, take on the responsibility of all the good and bad that is happening.
Like, usually those CEOs are shackled by the boards decision, so they are the face and “risking their neck and reputation”. At least I heard that explanation used to explain why CEOs get so much money.
4.8/12. Multiplied both numbery by 1.2
The first four terms became associated with disabilities through the medical field. The first two terms were categories on the IQ-Scale (idiot is the one that comes before imbecile in that scale, btb). The third is a shortening of a medical term conflated with another (spasticity and clonus) and the fourth is another psychological term referring to similar things as the first two.
Those were originally meant to be clinical but have been abused by those people, they also were created from outside the community (special needs most likely too, as it is a euphemism). I am unsure about “Acoustic”, that might be embracing of a meme, unless it was used as a euphemism for autism by non-autistic people.
Neurodivergent is different, this is a term coined by a part of the community. I am not sure whether the term endonym is accurate here but it is similar in nature.
Considering the Archduke was the heir of the austro-hungarian throne and the HRE having been defunct for over 100 years, this is basically on the level of someone assassinating the VP
I still really like Valar Morghulis and Valar Dohaeris. I need to finish the fifth book at some point x.x and the series xD