Ok. Your recommendation to read the FAQ about the abused animal and your posting of that extract from it, seemed to imply otherwise.
Ok. Your recommendation to read the FAQ about the abused animal and your posting of that extract from it, seemed to imply otherwise.
No licensed vet would ever say a morbidly obese cat is ‘fine’.
The owners fed the cat into morbid obesity, that was the diet it was on.
That cat was too fat to ‘work out’. At that size, it would have been in pain from the strain on its joints after walking to its food bowl.
The cat died prematurely due to this abuse, I don’t even have to check the age it died to be able to tell you this.
Stop defending animal abusers.
However, the Treasury is in discussions about keeping the money to use it for unrelated purposes at a time of huge pressure on the public finances and rising debt interest costs.
Yeah, that money is never going to be spent on cleaning up sewage spills.
I’m not interested in seeing excuses for abuse. They made a blog about their abused cat and people follow it and like the images because this abuse is considered ‘cute’. It’s sickening.
Is SIA involved?
And raided the homes of the released Palestinian hostages families so they wouldn’t talk to journalists or celebrate publicly.
It’s horrifying how animal abuse is seen as cute and funny by so many people, and considered an acceptable topic for a tumblr blog.
In an ideal world, the owner of that cat should be banned from owning animals and prosecuted.
Puberty makes everyone emotional, regardless of gender. Women are not in constant puberty, and are not constantly overflowing with emotions.
And while some women may have strong support networks that allow them to be more openly emotional, that is not the baseline for all women and it never has been.
Men are not better at containing their emotions either, if they were violent crime and sexual harrassment would be much less of an issue.
I like boiling a bag of fresh soya beans and eating them plain while watching stuff.
Chana dal with aloo paratha (chickpea curry with potato filling stuffed in a fried bread) is probably my favourite beans based meal though.
Also as a brit, baked beans on hot (plant)buttery toast is very comforting on occasion.
Thanks, it did. My fever broke last night, shortly after I passed the last stone!
I wasn’t expecting to be the only one commenting on this post and kinda expected there’d be a buffer of ‘hungover and have work now’ comments to take the edge off my little pity party there, haha. Sorry about that.
Happy New Year, and hopefully it got better for you too!
Me after getting no sleep last night due to passing kidney stones, but I have shit to do today and still have at least one in there.
I’m so fucking tired. And in pain. And sloshy from chugging electrolyte water. I’m not ready for today to be now.
Baman Piderman was pretty good. Llamas In Hats too.
Ah, that makes more sense. Apologies for the confusion, I don’t live in a car centred place.
Why do the cats get put in the car? Are you bringing them with you and driving to the gates of the reactor to get high, or?
Make sure my phone was actually on silent, put ear plugs in and go back to sleep. I’m too fucking tired to try and survive anything more.
Oh wow, CRT screen bulbs is wild. Would it have been possible to use them as mini screens? I’ve been imagining Gibson-esque cyberpunk scenarios with hackers getting into light bulbs and playing video on them, since I saw your comment the other day.
(Sorry for the very belated reply, I got distracted.)
It’s a book. Then again I don’t watch much tv, so who knows, it may have been adapted by now. The book is worth reading though, it’s very good.