• 25 Posts
Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: May 9th, 2024


  • You can talk all day about what we “don’t need” but we’re sleep walking into oblivion and even several nation states being visited by 3 ghosts in the night won’t get the world to stop. And once we live in hell and are dying in swaths to drought, hunger, and a new scale of weather events, there’s nothing to be done.

    You say we’re capable of turning things around, I say we’ve proven in the short time in our history that we’ve been capable of altering our habitat against us that we’ve proven again and again and again and again and again and again that humans will choose the short term gain of what’s in it for MEEEEE today over what’s in it for the species tomorrow every time in everything but empty feel good rhetoric while our actions go the other way.

    Live in hope if you need a paci, but hope in this case has as much basis in reality as appealing to the virtue of the free market. False hope is a terrible thing.

  • They were right to be talking down on us and we have been trash since at least Reagan though.

    Most European nations are societies. We’re a bunch of deluded fools playing pretend we’re rugged individuals at each other’s throats for oligarch scraps.

    We can’t even agree as a society to feed or invest in educating our kids. We let millions of our worst off neighbors die of exposure out of economic tribalist spite. We’re a loathsome country worthy of ridicule. Honestly if we weren’t so good at marketing, the art of bullshit, we could have saved a lot of potential immigrants time, shown them who we really are, and they never would have crossed a desert to come here. This is a cesspool.

  • You’re just satisfied with society abandoning its worst off as the visible reminder of what a shithole of a society we have. You have a lot of company since the owner class gutted public education to complete ruin over decades though.

    There is no “or” though. There is no world where the homeless punches themselves in the face or hides themselves from your eyeline for your amusement because there’s no point in appeasing the legion of sociopaths for profit “news” media has made like you in exchange for nothing. They’d rather eat with that panhandling money, and they’re right, sorry.

  • If you dont want to both provide and receive caring, nurturing, and intimacy, as needed in a relationship, stay single.

    That is the entire point. “to have and to hold” isn’t a nearly universal marriage vow for nothing, even if it’s a lie when said by many of either sex.

    Sadly, as with virtually everything in society, relationships and marriage after a lovely but brief enlightened period are regressing back to a transactional business arrangement and not something based in mutual love, warts and all. Sucks to suck.

  • Your capitalist enablers and sycophants will destroy you if you give them a centimeter, with a shit eating grin, even if they burn with you.

    “YOU can live large… just fuck over your neighbors. I heard they hate you. Why don’t you hate them?”

    Its pathetic how many millions have suffered and died, how many governments have betrayed their own people, to some derivation of the above.

    The US resolutely chose die alone with the Reagan/Welch con job and it has doomed us. Please continue to choose live together. Vote for a society that supports one another from the worst off upward.

  • Because we glorify and often lie about what individuals can do, and literally villanize cooperation as somehow wrong and evil in western society.

    You can’t build a skyscraper individually, yet we applaud the owners of them for their asset, when it took a collective of hundreds of laborers and engineers to build it who will never benefit from the fruits of it commensurate with they work put into the collective project. Which works for the sociopaths pushing individualism as they can create a collective through capital to accomplish what they want credit and profit from and then be dismissed, so they can propagate it’s their skyscraper that “they” built. cue Steve jobs coming out on stage to take credit for the new kind of phone HE implies having made without a drop of humility.

    Then they use that as a cudgel to tell individuals without their greed disease, who don’t have the means to call on flash collective employees, that if they’re struggling they must be lazy or incompetent because the right people built skyscrapers all on their own by pulling themselves up by their bootstraps.

    Toxic individualism is a virus. Anything worth anything our species has accomplished has been the work of many, but the self-serving sociopaths that control the means of production and propaganda and state violence want you to be hostile towards the concepts of a social contract, and social equity, and society being judged by how it’s most downtrodden are treated. It’s destroying us, and it’s murdered millions of neighbors we betrayed to die under freeways of exposure for the crime of not producing value for sociopaths, aka “pulling themselves up by their bootstraps.” Easy to say as a nepo baby on a mega yacht barking dictates at assistants.

  • I’m aware, that’s my Fandom, I know the lore intimately.

    Being a “battery” is in the vernacular though, and most understand what a capital battery means.

    I even see the Architects nod to the supposed answer requiring a “lesser mind” albeit a more human curious mind in the oracle was a nod to that original idea the studio mandated the Wachowskis change, from bioprocessors to batteries. Would have worked on so many levels, even with the machines falling victim to repetition loop breakdowns without processing from imperfect minds, but that was on the Studio, the writers were vocal they didn’t like the change, which makes it easy for me to look beyond.

  • Have more babies though.

    Your owners need your kids to be exploited into an early, miserable grave to run up their nepo kid’s ego scores. The doting ones at least, the owners toss kids that don’t become little nepo clones of themselves as bad investments.

    Luxury climate bunkers are boring, are you really going to deprive a future billionaire child that matters the joy of watching line go up powered by your worthless peasant offspring’s life force, you monster?

    Maybe stop being so selfish and think about what you can do to further enrich your betters. Priorities, my fellow batteries, priorities!