You can talk all day about what we “don’t need” but we’re sleep walking into oblivion and even several nation states being visited by 3 ghosts in the night won’t get the world to stop. And once we live in hell and are dying in swaths to drought, hunger, and a new scale of weather events, there’s nothing to be done.
You say we’re capable of turning things around, I say we’ve proven in the short time in our history that we’ve been capable of altering our habitat against us that we’ve proven again and again and again and again and again and again that humans will choose the short term gain of what’s in it for MEEEEE today over what’s in it for the species tomorrow every time in everything but empty feel good rhetoric while our actions go the other way.
Live in hope if you need a paci, but hope in this case has as much basis in reality as appealing to the virtue of the free market. False hope is a terrible thing.
The Earth’s climate is a monolith, one big system we are all subject to, and this is a pass fail test for the species. Feel free to tell the CAT 6 hurricanes about your nation’s carbon footprint if you think it will help.
I’m not reveling in the doom, I’m living life, aware the outcome for this species is bleak. I don’t respect self-delusion.