Weirdly, it means “universal”. It’s just used as a short for “Roman-Catholic”. The orthodox church is officially the “Orthodox Catholic Church”.
Weirdly, it means “universal”. It’s just used as a short for “Roman-Catholic”. The orthodox church is officially the “Orthodox Catholic Church”.
It’s more than likely this asshole
Well, yes, but usually it’s the code that’s the main deal, and the part that’s open, and the data is what you do with it. Here, the training weights seem to be “it”, so to speak.
It started off as sincere, but the minute it launched Poe’s law ate it.
Is it even really software, or just a datablob with a dedicated interpreter?
Hell, “One China” is the official policy of both Chinas.
He did. He dropped out, but he very much did run.
Have a drink of water and drop the name-calling.
They’re making fun of him for specifically this comic:
Isn’t that because of the stolen bike comic?
criticising Biden without also criticising Trump is why we now have a narcissistic sociopath in the White House.
I remain convinced Putin owes some of you people rent.
Yeah, it’s not a joke, it literally happens all the time, and an error after block close generally means the system doesn’t think it’s closed, usually because a bracket isn’t paired off.
“Don’t blame me, I voted for Kodos!”
Literally nobody I’ve seen bring up the trolley problem seems to actually understand it.
Well, it’s hooked up to a laptop, so, yeah, VGA out.
The setup is correct, but calling the problem “very simple” just means you don’t understand the trolley problem.
Yeah, imagine getting your derealization to go, in a bag and everything.
But then what would they complain about?
Not, like, preemptively. Just have a plan, like how Switzerland is rigged to blow.