AtomPunk [he/him]

  • 2 Posts
Joined 5 years ago
Cake day: July 30th, 2020


  • Majora’s Mask is too short smuglord

    Real answer, Termina Bay is such a buzzkill to play through. I enjoy the associated temple but I groan upon seeing that sickly teal ocean. Woodfall/Southern Swamp and Snowhead imo had a better art direction and map layout. In comparison, the Bay has those hostile green land turds, while the water is nigh-on empty except for more enemies. The Pirate’s Fortress is fine but going back-and-forth for the Zora eggs is another buzzkill. The area fees dilapidated and empty but not in the weird or creepy way as the rest of the game (the ranch with the Flatwoods aliens, Ikana Valley).

    To use a tired cliche, the area needs more “mystery” and even “Lovecraftian” influences. It’s otherwise just a polluted beach inhabited by the local Zora and pirate populations. Bloodborne did it right with the art direction of the Fisherman’s Wharf.

    As a side note, I wonder what the venn diagram looks like for Majora’s Mask enjoyers and Disco Elysium enthusiasts. The mask sidequests are the best part of the game imo which translates over to DE’s.

  • I love Kim. (Spoilers!)

    Just completed my first DE run. Was so worried for him during the tribunal, especially since I was missing checks left and right. I failed the first check againt the big scab guy, shot him with my peashooter on the second. The scary masked merc then raised his own rifle, and like something out of a movie, Kim plinks him right in the eye.

    Stole this comment from r/DiscoElysium:

    [Hand-Eye Coordination - Impossible 20] Fire a round through the eyeholes of Ruud’s Helmet. -2 Binoclard -1 Bad shot at the academy -2 No time to aim -2 Missed the hanged man’s noose -2 Couldn’t save Eyes +9 Harry needs you