I’m not really a platformer fan but Abe’s Oddysee/Exodus and Kirby’s Dream Land are up there.
I’m not really a platformer fan but Abe’s Oddysee/Exodus and Kirby’s Dream Land are up there.
Fishing Controller and a copy of Sega Bass Fishing for the Dreamcast was good fun.
I’m a big fan of the lightgun more though and have so many good memories. Point Blank, Die Hard Trilogy, Virtua Cop, Time Crisis, Confidential Mission, House of the Dead and even Ghost Squad and Red Steel 2 on the Wii were all so good.
Shenmue II
A revenge story set in 1980s Japan. Shenmue was excellent but Shenmue II is just another level in every way. For me it is the perfect combination of story, open world (which I don’t normally like nowadays) and fighting game. It’s quite a mixture of different genres but it works so well.
No no, I’m not American and my kids are definitely idiots…
Hopefully it’s something fun and not just some crypto crap or something.
I plan to continue with God of War (PS4).
For a game that is rated 18+ I’ve not actually had many moments where I’ve had to stop my kids (10+) from watching me play and they have been enjoying it with me. I’m normally quite careful but the main gameplay is just fighting creatures and puzzle solving so it’s just the boss fights that give it a higher rating, well so far that’s what it seems.
The story and characters are excellent and the dynamic of Kratos and Atreus is something special. Also it’s a really good looking game and much better than the current gens “blurriness” that everything seems to have nowadays
I’m curious what “all the masculine things” are to you?
There’s nothing wrong with what you are describing though and, like you said, it is what it is.
That’s one boring poster.
captivate the tiktok user
That’s a low bar…
I’m using Vivaldi and I’d recommend it. Obviously nothing is perfect, and especially browsers, but I’d implore you to look further in to it.
DS is probably the most fun I’ve had in a games photo mode. These are from my first playthough on PS4 in 2020.
Or how many parents just kinda suck.
Yes also that. Takes the fun out of it for everyone, especilly the kid, and has lasting damage that they are oblivious to.
Kids playing unsuitable games is a whole other topic though that I despise.
You’d be surprised (or not) how many parents just don’t have a clue. I hope the quote and headline but plastered everywhere though so it might get through to some.
I’d argue that it’s important to go in blind.
I want to be the player when I first see or encounter stuff and not just be watching a trailer. Avoiding spoilers is a lost skill it seems nowadays with the amount of stuff they deliberately pack in to trailers.
Although it’s Kojima so I will be watching, a lot :/
I know what you mean. Updates are good but I still play Football Manager 2012 as it is the best year for my team.
I didn’t expect to see Championship Manager mentioned here, or anywhere.
Championship Manager 01/02 actually still gets data updates if you want to play something old but new.
Keep on keeping on.
I’m not watching trailers or reading articles for DS. The more excited I am for a game then more I avoid everything about it as trailers now days (especially movies) spoil so much.
I think most people are on your side. For me it wasn’t until after the first few chapters (when I got to Lake Knot City) that the game really took hold of me.
Probably the best answer. He is in many more movies than people realise but has some amazing performances to back him up.
I enjoy it but also a big reason is to get away from technology.