The statement from Espressif:
The statement from Espressif:
Your brain has to process stuff. And it is at it’s best when you are sleeping. Having your kids sleep in is beneficial for developing their brains.
Society might think you are lazy, but instead your brain is processing new thoughts and information.
Getting exhausted is not ok for a normal sleep pattern. Don’t overdo it.
These people use very expensive soap…
Pretty solid how to by Louis:
If it is too cold for the equipment, it is too cold for me.
This error is a nice indication for me that I need to turn up the diesel heater before starting the voron.
I totally agree with you, the wording could be more clear.
Reading this: we have enabled a way for you to financially support the continued development of Immich, ensuring the software can move forward and will be maintained, by offering a lifetime license of the software
Was enough for me to order a server license (…). I like the software and being a professional developer I totally understand you might need funds to do the job.
So this is just my €0.02 to keep the flow from caffeine to code flowing…
It is a donation. You will get a license key and when applied to your instance, it will report you are a supporter in the web interface.
For me it was a means to show some support.
Thanks for all the hard work, delivering a great piece of software!
Immich server key purchased a few weeks ago, was the least I could do.
Using the go application to import the Google takeout zip file is a really good way to improve the WAF.
Hell yeah! Of course, best Christmas movie ever. Multicasting it over the corporate network since last Monday and won’t kill the process before 2025!
now i’ve got a machine gun ho ho ho!
Yes, as an alternative to klipper -this really is your end goal - use the firmware by mriscoc, it is really nice and robust.
Gives you more options and the results are better than the stock fw.
Blink the window-title and in case something like a taskbar is used, use the application icon to get attention.
But don’t act like you are the most important and single application on the system. Be modest.
Every single application or popup window will always attempt to get the highest z-order and switch keyboard input focus from wherever you were working to this window.
More than once, this resulted in input into the wrong window, causing problems.
And running this piece of junk os in a triple monitor setup; why do new windows (mainly outlook related) open on a different monitor ? If my input is on monitor 2, why are new windows opened on monitor 1 or 2?
A straight forward install of a recent Ubuntu version is much friendly for the user. But, as stated by someone else, improving the product is not gaining any cash flow.
Can’t he get the extremely terrible way of grabbing focus and changing z-order fixed? That would be great…
Thanks! Will search for it.
Let me know when you find something that actually works.
Just happened to use gasoline on a sticky Dell XPS. Didn’t help. Baking soda does reduce the sticky feeling, but leaves a weird coating.
Alcohol didn’t work for me, perhaps I’ll just need to wrap the laptop with some sticker
Almost every one of the fingerprint sensors in laptops are not supported by Linux due to proprietary protocols. Never managed to get stuff used by Dell or HP with Linux.
But the Grow R503 can be used over uart, what can be connected to usb with some minor additional parts.
Yes, it would be unfortunate for a new user to experience all the horror our distinguished friend EvilSocket is telling everyone today…
Keep up the good work!
Did you uninstall cups and avahi?
Not medically trained or experiencing any illnesses, but keep this in mind:
In just a few years, the medical world made huge steps in treating a lot of things using RNA techniques.
Don’t compare a situation 10 or 20 years ago with the possibilities today.
Docker host running immich amongst other containers. Backups are done nightly to a nas device on location, the immich container has a volume mount to an external SSD.
Fire: nah, won’t survive it. Planning to fix this in the next few weeks, setting up a Nas on a remote location.
Just for support purchased the ‘“license”’, entire household moved from Google photos to immich. All using wireguard with the ‘include these applications’ option. Gave them access to jellyfin and satellite receiver too, so they are very happy to keep it up and running. No complaints, immich works great.