Awesome, glad that’s settled, just a minor blip on what would be Australia’s impeccable record of care for both indigenous creatures, and indigenous people.
Awesome, glad that’s settled, just a minor blip on what would be Australia’s impeccable record of care for both indigenous creatures, and indigenous people.
That’s a bit of a harsh take considering it was one guy on the 19th century who didn’t know better. Looking at it he brought 13 rabbits for his private estate - I don’t think the science was there for extended Environmental Impact Studies back then - just some rich guy making a minor change to his place having unintended consequences so branding an entire country as fucking morons is a bit much.
I am convinced that Google maps runs ‘canary routes’. Like a canary in a coal mine testing the air - If I am on a road and it decides to send me down an unused lane, which eventually spits me back out on to the main road, that’s when it has decided it needs to refresh the data in that area and I was the unlucky one chosen to do it.
If I was designing it, that’s probably what I would add, but I’ve never seen a reference to it…
I just finished HL2 playing through the quest 2, and it was amazing. By far the most fun I’ve had playing a game in years. I had always meant to give HL2 another play through after about 10 years, and that was the best way to do it. It really is something else panicking when trying to reload the shotgun surrounded by enemies, and running away instead of just blowing your way through like you used to. Or in my case, paniking and ejecting the magazine out your gun by mistake when trying to reload and winning the award for most stupid death…
Perhaps a nice lightweight kilt is available, but all the ones I’ve worn for weddings they are extremely heavy! Great freedom down below, but I think I’d prefer the bball shorts.
I was thinking about this comment, far too often the argument is "what could they do if they aren’t getting the help from the Chinese government " etc, and it’s all shit. If we were buying something from a little boutique one person seller and we found out that somewhere in the process of making it they used slave labour we would all rightfully kick off. So why do massive companies, who could do much much more, get a free pass yet we hold individuals up to a much higher standard.