With the government executing this message to our youth, I think they’ll work as well as the anti-piracy ones back in the day.
You Wouldn’t Steal a Car
With the government executing this message to our youth, I think they’ll work as well as the anti-piracy ones back in the day.
You Wouldn’t Steal a Car
Yeah when I’d “disable” my right hand I’d have to wait for the weekends or homework that involved writing wouldn’t be able to get done. You did this as an adult? That’s dedication. I think in time anyone could adapt if they had to or could afford to be low-functioning for a while but I always wonder if there’s shortcut steps to start rewiring your brain to not automatically assign tasks to your dominant hand.
It’s all fun and games until they start stealing Kia’s and Hyundai’s.
Yeah that food court stop is the consolation prize to drain out that last $5 in the account.
I notice lefties. Im right-handed and when I was little and much dumber I wanted to be left-handed. So I did a bunch of weird shit to force it. Stuff like wrapping my right hand up for whole day, trying reverse controls for video games, wearing my watch on my right hand, etc. Some stuff did take, like the watch on my right hand, which ironically made my right hand more dominant. Being a lefty is the club that I was never able to join but think about subconsciously all the time I guess.
Pretty nifty solution. As a bonus you could snap them together so they stay paired when not being worn.
I just read that as well. Or there’s just no witnesses. Also read something that they stop attacking if the boat stops.
Have a '24 GSX R750. Brand new so I can’t personally speak to longevity issues. That being said, Suzuki has kept this same bike since 2011 (trim changes only) which suggests it is a proven build. I think there was an upgrade to Brembo brakes a few years ago? But other than that it’s essentially the same bike 2011-2024. Needless to say its been super easy finding/selling OEM and aftermarket parts for upkeep/upgrades. As a bonus, the GSX R600 is mostly identical to the 750 for parts swaps as well.
There’s a series of “how to politely decline your stepsister’s advances” by Ryan Creamer. I watched it with my son on Pornhub. Talk about a bonding moment.
Edit: Link for those wanting to get off.
If you don’t eat that chicken wing clean, we can’t be friends.
You get one pass and that’s if you only take 1 wing.
Okay. Don’t stop there Alabama. So if an embryo is now a child, let’s talk now about dependents and tax exemptions, protective services, custodial rights and responsibilities, welfare benefits, insurance requirements, HOV rules, census counts, adoption and fostering rules, school districts and education funds, estate planning and probate… You wanted to open Pandora’s damn box - now every piece of state legislation that involves a child now needs to be adjusted.
Might get interesting in the news as questions arise over what the new guidelines are. But of course they won’t get addressed. Of course, of course.
They had that drowning incident last year at another site that got shut down. I’d say the whole chain.
It was a 5-month old puppy. Completely fkd up that someone would do that. I’d probably check on all the kids they have access to.
No that’s a misdemeanor. But only if you demonstrate intent. Up to the police to decide.
So its like the lava game then. But for your dick.
I remember a few years ago on the other place that starts with “R”, there were a bunch of people who were randomly sent seed packets from China. Big debate on whether they should plant them and if it would start the zombie apocalypse or not. Some planted them and it grew to be wildflowers…so far.
TLDR: seeds
Wow that sounds extensive enough to where there should be an expectation of higher pay. There’s an argument that for civic duties such as jury duty or political positions, pay should not incentivize prople to seek those duties or positions or you attract the wrong candidates…but I dont really believe thats true. Still, kudos to you for taking on a front line job like that - I’ve been to the ER a few times and the environment is just so surreal and depressing. I cant imagine the daily amounts of human suffering that you are exposed to. That’d be enough to justify the weed IMO.
On another note, you should totally do an AMA.
Had the same question when I read the headline and this was super informative. Out of curiosity, do 911 operators have to pass extensive background checks and psych exams to be able to access those databases? Also, I’ve heard the pay was abysmal - is that still true?
Oh yes, binkying was always pure joy to watch!
I’ll forget all about this post in about 5-7 lemmy posts. Higher than my normal 3-4 lemmy post memory-wipe because I’m commenting.