Can someone describe a “proper” rejection for patient care?
Can someone describe a “proper” rejection for patient care?
Way to go everyone, we kept wages suppressed and still managed to generate more profits off of their labor! Hooray!
According to the FBI, around 51% of murders in 2021 were solved. So this is just a bit lower than the federal numbers. The number doesn’t shock me, I think solving a murder is very hard and technology can only offer so much more info. Proving murder beyond a doubt is also very difficult, like OJ. We all know he killed his ex wife and her boyfriend, but prosecutors couldn’t prove he did it within the court context. An “unsolved” murder that has a solution.
When you are poor, getting money from the government comes with many rules and restrictions. When you are a poor company, getting money from the government comes with zero rules and restrictions.
Texas got the PR for having funded therapy for their prisoners without actually having to help people. The for-profit prison got to make a ton of extra money for their c suite staff and it’s totally fine because they said so.
It is fixed, went from blurry mess to clear photo.
During their hearing “I am a changed person. I would never do something like this again”
A year later “I don’t regret what I did, I would do it again, we did nothing wrong, Trump 2024”
I appreciate the reply but I just don’t see why states need different laws. The time period cited for the need was 250 years ago. I guess that is the conservative modus operandi.
I’m just not convinced that Mississippi having different, worse, healthcare laws is better for the people who live there. Mississippi is choosing to shit their pants, but as a country we all share the smell. Conservatives want to sit in their soiled pants, or the smell, and the rest of us will are horrified.
I never understood states rights and how separating our country into 50 different little countries is a good thing. It puts states at odds and forces the US Judicial system into having to decide. Putting the law deciding back into the hands of the federal government.
Isn’t the whole point that if someone doesn’t agree with the laws of the state they reside they can go to a state that does? It would seem needing to find out who gets an abortion or gender-affirming outside of your state is nobody’s worry. Those people are doing the exact thing conservatives want.
Does Mississippi plan on charging people in other states of committing a crime? Is it to make sure a Mississippi resident doesn’t cross a state border? If so, why? What intentions would the state of Mississippi have with this info if not to prosecute?
The best thing about Windows is that if there is something you want to do, either there is a detailed guide online for the specific issue or someone went a step further and created a simple tool to accomplish that task. Windows is stable/reliable/accessible.
To run Linux it would need to be just as easy to install, be as compatible with games as Windows, and not have to involve deep dives into Linux user forums to accomplish basic stuff.
With the main intention of Linux, outside of just not supporting Apple or Microsoft, is to be able to customize your OS experience. I don’t have time/patience/desire to do that. I want my computer to be there ready to open a game launcher and launch that game without issue. That is true about Windows 99.8% of the time, I have not had that same experience with Linux.
The truth is that this overexposure on the internet hasn’t caused much more harm than before social media. Most people, not all, but a majority have zero bad intentions. So sharing details about yourself to a mass audience is screaming in the void. Nobody cared about your life before it was on the internet, nobody cares now. Social media companies selling your data is for a shitty reason but not an unethical one. They just want to sell you stuff and they are salesmen that know everything about you.
On the other side, people who want to do bad things can and will regardless of details about someone on the internet. Stranger danger is a fallacy and the person who can/might victimize you is someone you already know. Sure, maybe it saves time, but it doesn’t really change victimization. People can stalk someone in real life, can steal their mail, can social engineer the people around their victim, it’s just a bit easier when a lot of it can be done by befriending someone on social media.
Who represents the “real” conservatives/Republicans? It would seem any state with Republican control is aiming for similar anti-immigration policies. If everyone is doing it, then it becomes the standard. If nobody from the party can speak out against it, it becomes the standard. When the conservative majority Supreme Court instills conservative policy despite public opposition, it becomes the standard.
How would shipping immigrants across state borders unannounced ever be a way to help people? And it has been many buses, are we forgetting the last few years of Florida sending people to progressive states? It might be publicity stunts, but hundreds of people getting shipped around the country based on false information and left sitting out to dry only says “conservatives think immigrants are less than human and can be shipped around like cattle”
I played RO back in high school. Haven’t thought about that game in 20 years. I might have to check it out again.
There are people that like new things, there are people who prefer older things. I am willing to spend money on a new phone every 2 years because it is my main computing device. I, also, don’t miss a lot of things of older phones. I never used as SD card, I never replaced a battery, and I haven’t used wired headphones in a decade.
I like my iPhone 14, the LiDAR gives me a ton of cool applications, the camera takes the best photos I’ve ever taken before, it will be kept updated for the next 5 years and the always-on screen is very useful for unlock-free info.
If you trade-in a fairly new phone, you can heavily discount a new phone purchase as well. It’s more like leasing a car vs owning a car. Pay for the time you use the phone, return it while it still has value in the 2nd hand market and get a fresh phone.
On the other hand, my brother sticks his phone in his pocket all day and doesn’t look at it at home. He bought an iPhone SE a few years ago and it just works. He would argue buying a new phone is silly as well. But we use our phones very differently and so our purchase habits will be different.
Yeah. With the licensing and work involved with producing Atmos sound I doubt any of it is more than just PR/marketing.
Dolby: “Look how good Dolby Atmos is, Beyoncé makes her music with the technology!”
My boomer dad uses TIDAL and is convinced that it sounds much better than my YT Music. And it might have higher bits and mor channels, but we aren’t sitting in a home theater. It all sounds the same through nice stereo speakers or, in my case, my headphones.
“What the hell are we going to do without viral scat porn videos?” cries “Up yours woke moralists”
Staying as far away from Meta has been my goal since leaving Facebook 8 years ago. I really like this instance, it meets all of my needs for my Reddit replacement.
I don’t see a reason to federate with a corporation unless they were able to deliver something I’m not currently getting and their corporate support would greatly improve performance/sustainability for this instance. But based on previous experience, a company entering a space usually makes it worse.
Everyone stops at a stop sign. Cars, buses, pedestrians, motorized wheelchairs, and bikes. This is not an issue that needs separate rules for cyclists. Perhaps they can re-evaluate that intersection, does it need a sign? If cyclists can easily coast through the intersection, the need for a stop sign is up for discussion. Perhaps a Yield sign.
My area has lights for intersections with more than 2 lanes per direction of travel, roundabouts for smaller busy roads, and most of the residential intersections don’t have signage. Stop signs are, mostly, used to slow traffic down.
So Hunter has his leaked nudes removed from Twitter. Conservatives saw this as an opportunity to claim a larger coverup. When nothing came to light and Hunter was found guilty of a few other charges they have resorted to literally just posting his leaked nudes.
I’m sorry but if this isn’t just one of the more revealing things about the GOP, I don’t know what is. Make something very normal and done by many people, including members of the GOP, and manipulate the facts to fit a narrative. Push that narrative to the extreme until Fox News reports it as FACT. Hope that wins a few votes in whatever upcoming election. When the initial info is revealed to be bullshit, the plan did its job.
Why post the nudes photos? Because some GOP didn’t get the hint that this was just political propaganda and are following through. The same reason Comet Pizza has been threatened with gun violence.
I did edit to clarify, the criticisms I was mentioning were intended as public criticisms. Which both were true. I can understand how you might have assumed I meant my own personal criticism.
They don’t like him as a politician anymore, but can’t admit that he committed crimes because they supported him doing so.