I’ve been working from home for 10 years. The COVID break my daughter had was the first time I can remember NOT getting a Cold since literally ever. I’m masking more when I travel for work and I look forward to when more of us realize the benefits.
I’ve been working from home for 10 years. The COVID break my daughter had was the first time I can remember NOT getting a Cold since literally ever. I’m masking more when I travel for work and I look forward to when more of us realize the benefits.
I’m not sure Texas is thinking this through. We’d build a wall and make them pay for it…
Not OP, but I think we’d be friends. I want left (no pun intended) alone to live my own life, but I don’t think people should be left to die because of the machine we’re in. I believe your rights extend to the point they interact with mine and vice versa. You’re rights can’t prevent mine and vice versa.
Did nobody tell these assholes the absolutely #1 rule? You DO NOT fuck with American ships… Keep this shit up, and things are going to get real “proportional” around here…
We’re on the same page re: mental healthcare. I was trying to convey I’m glad the stigma around it less and less with each generation, but we still have a ways to go.
You’re right, and you’re going to get downvoted for it. We have an inequality problem masking as a gun problem. We have a mental health crisis masking as gun problem.
Possible solutions to these situations aren’t fast and they don’t stir up emotions enough to get people to vote for you. Riling people up and telling them you can fix their problems fast gets votes; saying we have work to do doesn’t.
The stigma against mental healthcare won’t be gone in my child’s generation, but I am happy to see it is being accepted more than it was for mine. Of course, not thinking poorly of people for taking care of themselves doesn’t matter if people can’t afford to…
My initial reaction is “fucking gross”, but that’s only because Google Maps has taught me what map colors should be. I’m old enought to have used a book-based atlas even before Yahoo Maps was popular, but young enough I don’t remember what that coloring was.
While I do find it harder to understand what is going on with the map, esp while driving, I’d be interested in reading more into why they made the change. So fucking help me God if this is just some graphic artists idea of what looks better…
They’ve been dodging the open airwaves for years. During more than one mass response incident I’ve heard radio traffic something along the lines of
Sgt Copguy, Other Copperson. Third Copson has info you requested. Copperson, Copguy. Have Copson call my cell. Copguy, Copperson. Roger, expect a call in minutes.
If we know the call might have happened, we can still ask for those records even if we can’t get full records of what took place on the call. Without the base evidence, we’re on the fucked-foot.
Operation failed successfully.
The numbers being low on business travel shocked me; I work for a remote-first company and we augment that by getting together every quarter. I hardly travelled pre-pandemic. I figured other companies that are staying remote were doing something similar.
I’m extra shocked to see this in NJ; it is one of only two states where you are not allowed to pump your own gas. Efforts to change pump laws have been massively unfavorable because, among other things, they create jobs.
Neat if it happens, but it won’t change any opinions. Those already anti-Trump will point to it as another example of how corrupt Trump is and those already pro-Trump will point to it as an example of how the government is out to get him.
I fell asleep during it in the theater. It was so insanely boring.
My answer won’t be as popular, but it’ll definitely get the attention of the right people on the customer’s side: charge HANDSOMELY for issues caused due to customers using the systems outside of agreemed to or published best practices.
Absolutely horrible, but this isn’t Delaware. We only have 3 counties, and Stafford isn’t one of them. I’m not 100%, but I suspect this might be England.
Is this before or after the war started?
Pretty easy to make a socialist argument for cars IMHO.
It’d go something like, “the only way to ensure the right to mobility is equally distributed is to ensure every individual has what equates to a bus station in their own home.”
Using an ideology to support a desired outcome isn’t as hard as it should be.
Without teens and boomers, social media would be dead.
Crappy situation all around. Best I can tell, there arent many, if any large pieces equipment offered in electric. Probably not a popular European brand, but last I read, John Deere wasn’t looking to have anything for the mid-tier until 2026 and had no plans for the large fleet.
It’s also not like farmers do a lot of equipment swapping; most I know use them and repair them until you simple can’t anymore. So, even if there were options coming onto the market, the percentage of those in the field would be very low to start and remain low for a LONG time.
Helping farmers make a switch is a shortcut, but the equipment has to exist for someone to buy.