I am constantly told that Epoch Times is totally independent by their ads.
I mean, I know that they aren’t, but they keep pretending that they are.
I am constantly told that Epoch Times is totally independent by their ads.
I mean, I know that they aren’t, but they keep pretending that they are.
Knowing that people actually take Rokos Basilisk seriously and that it isn’t just like the gym forum amount of days in the week debate is cursed knowledge. And that it is people who have real material influence on the world as well.
But somehow more racist.
Why do papers keep giving these nerds attention? I’ve seen dozens of articles about them.
Always thought electropop was more of an 00s thing.
All I can remember from the 10s music wise is Maroon 5, Imagine Dragons, Katie Perry and dubstep.
So what about the 2010s are the youth nostalgic for? I don’t spend a lot of time around older children and there isn’t really anything that comes to mind for me that you’d be nostalgic for.
If I were to guess at the motive it would be anti-immigrant sentiment, the school has courses for SFI (Swedish For Immigrants) and a lot of immigrants go take vocational courses in order to get accreditations for work.
It is being reported that the perpetrator was 35 years old with a weapon license. So either a hunter or a sports shooter.
Been an (adult) school shooting in Örebro, Sweden with somewhere around 10 people confirmed dead so far. The perpetrator is believed to be among the dead and to have acted on his own.
It is kind of hilarious how the Silicon Valley dweebs got their lunch eaten by people who treated LLMs as an LLM instead of thinking that they’re going to create god.
Maybe this will get all the “We are creating Skynet” drama to die down a bit.
I think this is one of the issues of people learning a word and knowing that it is bad without understanding why. Yes, America bad, but not simply because it is America. Also add an inflated sense of self-importance.
There is a version Antideutsch in every western society.
Who the fuck is us?
While neither the LACFD or the LAFD have mentioned equipment shortages hampering their efforts fighting the January 2025 wildfire outbreak, the LACFD did say that the combined fire departments across the Los Angeles area lacked the personnel necessary to quickly suppress this week’s major wildfires.
“There are not enough firefighters in L.A. County to address four separate fires of this magnitude,” Los Angeles County Fire Chief Anthony Marrone said during a Jan. 8 press conference. “The L.A. County Fire Department was prepared for one or two major brush fires, but not four, especially given these sustained winds and low humidities.”
There is currently a fundraising campaign to help the LAFD acquire equipment, but that equipment is not the same type of equipment as what the LACFD said it donated to Ukraine. The campaign seeks to raise money for emergency personal fire shelters, hydration backpacks and wildland brush tools.
Excerpt from the article linked. This seems like a non-story pushed by reactionaries. Not sure that extra hoses and nozzles would have done a lot without extra fire engines to go with them.
Yeah, this is the biggest question for all the LLMs. When are they actually going to turn a profit and how?
They seem to be doing the Uber model of flooding the market to then hike prices, but I don’t see how people are going to be able to afford it. I guess it is just training them to then sell them to companies?
There has been a surprising amount of controversy between Sweden and Denmark about those three crowns (symbolises Sweden as a part of Denmark since the Kalmar union). Gustav Vasa was malding about it in the 16th century.
Note that they removed the Norwegian lion 200 years ago when it became part of Sweden, but kept the Swedish crowns for some reason.
My mum is just a bit lib brained in some ways (nuclear power and drug policy mainly). She is on the phone but she is usually just reading newspapers, fairly lib ones. The only thing she does on Facebook is congratulate family members on their birthdays etc. I am able to influence her as I keep being right about stuff before the news are willing to admit it (stuff like Russia bombing their own pipeline being ridiculous).
My older brother is just a lib, but whatever. He has an incredibly low risk of being radicalised.
My younger brother has had mental breakdowns and believes he is being gangstalked and is generally conspiracy brained, but that doesn’t have much to do with the internet.
Dad is dead, but he was just a prick. Not the online kind.
I only encounter the deep end conspiracy theorists at work, where I’ve had my kind of superior tell me in hushed tones that Obama is going to start a civil war a couple of weeks ago to stop Trump being inaugurated (note that he is Swedish).
Was at mass this morning with mum, was fairly full. Usually only full for Christmas and Easter in filthy europoor Lutheran churches as well.
My mum hardly ever goes to church though, only went this year since nan died.
First proper memory is from when I was 3 and had to forever relinquish my pacifier in a large plastic tube in a Christmas theme park in the middle of summer.
Was a great injustice, but then I got to go to a dinosaur theme park, so all was good again.
Otherwise I just remember vague snippets like being very scared of a sheep.
Pascal’s Wager crossed with The Game thought out by someone who heard the synopsis of I Have No Mouth But I Must Scream.