It’s definitely possible, but Garza is also a really common Hispanic name. I could personally name a few Garza’s off the top of my head who aren’t related at all actually lol.
That being said, this all sounds sketchy as hell already, so who knows? Can’t say it would surprise me at this point.
Giving praise when it’s not warranted can be bad.
It should be shown that there is nothing wrong with doing something poorly, and it gives a chance for constructive criticism. I’ve always (kindly mind you) helped the creative kids throughout my life by showing them where they can improve and why. Feel like that gives them more agency and respect than a constant “Of course you did great! You always do great!”.
Feels good to give praise, but kids pick up on the bs.
Of course don’t be cruel, and attack and exaggerate (which I don’t think the person you’re replying to was suggesting), but be honest. Kids are people and grow in their abilities the same way. Only getting praise is not the way to grow.