Fair, but Trump does have the Proud Boys… LARPing as an elite strike force is the same as battle-hardened legions, right?
Fair, but Trump does have the Proud Boys… LARPing as an elite strike force is the same as battle-hardened legions, right?
I’ve often referred to Trump as Stupid Caesar.
Like Caesar, Trump pushed up against established political norms and found very little pushback. As it turns out, having it be up for debate whether a leader is legally responsible for crimes committed is not a stable foundation for a nation.
The only difference is, Trump did not wait to build up his base not just in the electorate but also among other political figures before pushing as hard as he did. The whole drinking bleach and shining a light to cure Covid probably didn’t help.
Also I’m pretty certain Caesar wasn’t borderline illiterate. If we look up any of Caesar’s speeches recorded by even his most ardent opponents and compare them to Trump’s, there’s a bit of a difference there.
Anyway the point is, both of these men did nothing except expose the flaws in the system, and so long as we do nothing to fix said flaws, is there anything stopping a more competent modern-day Caesar from finishing what Trump started?
The only problem with their SSH agent is, if you store let’s say 6 keys and the server is set to accept a maximum of 5 keys before booting you, and the correct key happens to be key number 6, you can end up being IP banned.
This happened to me on my own server :P
That being said, my experience was using the very first GA release of their SSH Agent, so it’s possible the problem has been sorted by now.
Pretty much what the other poster says, plus the fact that there are other improvements that weren’t big enough to upgrade before, but USB-C tipped the scales.
Which is a really good thing, IMO.
I’m upgrading from a 12 to a 15 because of USB-C and the other improvements that have accumulated, and after that I’m leaving it alone for a long time.
If USB-C wasn’t there, I wouldn’t even bother as my 12 works perfectly fine, Safari feels snappy and this phone could last a good long while still.
I feel personally attacked.
Haha I bet the AI hasn’t done too much work on orcs yet, that looks amazing though! Thank you <3
Aww, it’s Konsi! Do Razira next!
Which personally I think does a disservice to their readers. If their article ends up high in search results for “best password manager 2023” for whatever reason, most people aren’t going to care if there’s a source available client or not.
Dash lane and 1Password might not have source available clients but they likely have better UI/UX than these more open source alternatives that are made for people with technical expertise.
I can personally recommend 1Password, the Windows Hello integration works really well. Asks for your PIN code to unlock (or your master password after a reboot). If you put your computer to sleep rather than turn it off overnight, you won’t need the full master password.
Also, if you’re so inclined, 1P has an excellent CLI tool you can use for accessing vaults programmatically. I use this for auto filling TOTP codes for my Final Fantasy XIV login.
It doesn’t save form inputs because when you click a suspended/unloaded tab, it reloads the whole page. Everything unsaved on that page is lost.
I really hope some day Firefox will work the way you say, though.
There’s just a teeny tiny problem with that; disabling web search renders Search unable to do maths.
It’s not an issue for me since I use PowerToys to get Spotlight-esque search in Windows, but it’s nevertheless hilarious.
macOS search is so much better than Windows search it’s not even remotely close.
Hashtag late but Firefox’s main downsides is that it’s tab flushing sucks compared to Edge, and there’s no native vertical tabs.
In Edge, if a tab is put to sleep, clicking it again does not require a full refresh. Why does it need to completely reload in Firefox?
I’m aware there’s extensions for tab groups and vertical tabs (I’m using Simple Tab Groups), but it should be a natively supported feature.
Add that to the fact that Firefox is now the web developer equivalent of IE6 circa 2010 - minuscule user base and requires weird hacks to get websites to look good on it - and you got a recipe for people not wanting to use it.
Also lying about being the privacy focused browser when it has a bunch of telemetry and a bundled sponsored extension I had to look up how to get rid of, that part sucks too.
Ya like dags‽
Loot boxes are indeed gambling. When you go to the clothing store, do you buy the pants you want or do you buy a ticket to receive a random pair of pants from their entire collection?
Just because money doesn’t leave the system does not mean the system is not gambling. You are still paying for a “ticket” to receive “a random outcome”. If you want a certain weapon skin and you buy a weapon skin crate, that has a 1% chance of obtaining that weapon skin, are you not gambling on the outcome of your purchase transaction?
It triggers all the same dopamine receptors in the brain of a gambling addict the same way slots and sports betting does. Using a different word than gambling just muddies the water in a very serious discussion about the direction we should be moving the video game industry in.
Valve is one of, if not the OG loot box vendors, and they would be way more hated if Steam wasn’t so gosh darn convenient for a lot of people.
This is how I feel about LTT too. There should never be one single location you go to for all your review needs - even if it had every single product in existence in for review.
I’ll look at LTT videos to see people doing dumb shit with tens of thousands of Britannian Monies worth of tech, sometimes there’s some genuinely good “hey, this exists” (see: PowerToys which gave me Spotlight on Windows), and sometimes it triggers a “hey I could use X, I’ll do my own research and collation of reviews”.
If they can get their Labs up and running and their tests being transparent enough that they can be peer reviewed, then Labs will be a tool in the toolbox, not the toolbox itself.
Squabblr’s Patreon has also imploded on itself. In June 2023, it was earning just over $1,000.
Now, according to Patreon it’s earning $334.80 per month.
As it turns out, changing a site that used to foster a friendly atmosphere of community into a “free speech platform” was not the greatest decision ever made.
My gf and I are going to be playing this on PS5, really looking forward to the console release :)
Imagine living somewhere where stuffed crust isn’t available. More cheese… yeesssss…
I wonder why I’m fat. Forever to remain a mystery.
They removed that feature, at least for Finnish.