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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: October 15th, 2023


  • Das fand ich auch schräg.

    Man kann und sollte darüber diskutieren, wie wir mit der anhaltenden Flüchtlingsbewegung umgehen sollen, wie wir eine bessere Integration hinbekommen, wie wir Fluchtursachen bekämpfen oder wie wir geltendes Recht besser durchsetzen.

    Gesundheit stärken, Integration stärken, Kommunen stärken, Herkunftsländer stärken. So sehen für mich politische Visionen aus.

  • Medication helps me a) to remember stuff for the minute or so that it takes sometimes to get around to it and b) to deal with interruptions better in that I can return to the previous task more easily.

    I’m still very susceptible to sensory overload. But I find that clearly communicating how I’m doing with the people around me and excusing myself when I’m overloaded (or tired or whatever) works quite well for me.

    Case in point, I was just playing a multiplayer online game with people and realized that I’m just too tired to properly process what’s going on anymore. So I told everyone I’m too tired to keep going, wished them a good night and told them I’d be happy to play with them again tomorrow. Younger me would have pushed on, resulting in drama and loss of self-control.

    All that said, you might be suffering from something else entirely, so getting diagnosed is still the best course of action, IMHO.