Like the Secret Santa version of police. They quietly go about their business undoing injustice and helping vulnerable people.
Like the Secret Santa version of police. They quietly go about their business undoing injustice and helping vulnerable people.
And then we all clapped
‘Shithole country’
Thanks Obomber
That’s an interesting origin story. I suspect these ideas came about and came to possess a utility as larger societies formed. Nobody needs to be told that murder and stealing are wrong, we know it instinctively. It has been shown that primates understand this concept generally.
One problem with large societies is that customs becomes entrenched over time. We keep following the same rules and forget where they came from, we mistake the menu for the food. We cannot turn to a naturalistic solution to this problem, where everything is eating everything else because that amounts to fascism. Instead we must settle for a kludge where rich people get a different type of justice than do the poor, sentencing is more punitive before lunch and many other idiosyncrasies. My point is, I don’t want to forget that a menu is just a menu. Some things will always be true and the law is not one of those things.
That’s generally true for most HVAC applications. Bang-bang control creates limit cycle behaviour and as long as a small oscillation in temperature is acceptable, it’s a nice simple solution.
OPs problem seems to be a discontinuity between the two limit cycles, heating and cooling. The way to tackle this is to make time series vectors of all measurements and compare them with the subjective sensation of the room temperature. That should inform the relevant set points for the control actions.
Why do people talk about law as if it has any sort of substance? If all the books were burnt we would only be able to faithfully reproduce the science books, everything else is just some stuff we made up.
Societal collapse is going to hurt rich people the hardest. Money will be worthless and their skills are not relevant in that context.
Control theory is a bitch
I can understand this sort of thing among the elderly but I’ve met ablebodied engineers who don’t understand how to computer. The awesome thing is that they don’t take advice, they just Dunning Kruger their way through.
Awareness is not a binary. He probably has moments when he’s painfully aware of unpopularity e.g. on stage with Chappelle. We all live in some kind of bubble, it would be intolerable not to. His trajectory is common to someone like a rebel leader who becomes a dictator and eventually a tyrant where he’s despised by everyone except the few people around him. They typically recede from public life but never let go of power.
They need to keep gamers, women, healthcare users and people without an innate sense of justice out of that jury to secure conviction.
We also have plenty of people who don’t understand how to drive on a highway. In this country we’re only permitted to pass on one side, compounding the problem.
I feel that there isn’t enough diversity in the vehicle types. We have plenty of EV that are 1-2t, essentially a conventional sedan. It’s not a good fit with li-ion. We need lightweight vehicles and the series hybrid bridges the gap while we wait for high density batteries.
Like the guys at the Nuremberg trials. Turns out ‘just following orders’ was not a creditable defence.
We need sunlight on our skin to generate vitamin D. If you don’t get enough vitamin D you will feel like shit. Not to mention the insiduous psychological effects.
In short, more and bigger windows are the way forward. Go outside in the wilderness, it feels good.
There’s a lot of musicians who are huge in Europe, but not in the US
Is that true?
Battling a gaming addiction and accompanying sleep deprivation.
It’s pretty versatile and gets around the range anxiety problem. Not as efficient Vs conventional ice for high speed cruising but great for most other applications.
The names of those institutions would give you an all-time high score in a game of oppressive regime buzzword bingo. Whenever I hear someone say ‘national security’ I get the urge to hit myself over the head with a 2 by 4.