Digital bits, one zero
1968 book “War and Peace in the Global Village” by Canadian Professor Marshall McLuhan - #WWWOpera #FinWakeIndraNet
“A point of view can be a dangerous luxury when substituted for insight and understanding.” ― Marshall McLuhan
Even after blocking and removing a metric fuck ton of toxic subs I always still feel worse than when I start casually browsing it. Something about confidently incorrect people, trolls, assholes, bots and AI slop get under my skin no matter how much I try to ignore them.
All social media, including Reddit and Bluesky, is racing towards mass dehumanization and promoting anti-humanism as fast as possible. It’s out of control in 2025.
“Technopoly is a state of culture. It is also a state of mind. It consists in the deification of technology, which means that the culture seeks its authorization in technology, finds its satisfactions in technology, and takes its orders from technology.” ― Neil Postman, Technopoly: The Surrender of Culture to Technology, 1992
Terrible, horrific, the society all around me is racing as fast as it can into unreality at the hands of Kremlin information warfare. So many have lost their hearts and minds to 5,000 patterns of anti-truth anti-real anti-goodness. Sickening every hour of every day how people are behaving in my community.
Константин Рыков
November 14, 2016
Часть вторая.
В чем заключалась наша идея с Дональдом Трампом? За четыре года и два дня… необходимо было пробраться ко всем в мозг и захватить все возможные средства массового восприятия действительности. Обеспечить победу Дональда на выборах президента США. После чего создать политический союз между Соединенными Штатами, Францией, Россией (и ещё рядом других государств) и установить новый мировой порядок.
Четыре года и два дня - это с одной стороны очень большой срок, а с другой очень маленький. Наша идея была безумна, но реализуема. Для того, чтобы в этом во всем разобраться для начала нужно было “оцифровать” все возможные виды современного человека. Дональд решил пригласить для этой задачи - специальный научный отдел “Кембриджского университета”.
Британские учёные из Cambridge Analytica предложили сделать из 5 тысяч существующих человеческих психотипов - “идеальный образ” возможного сторонника Трампа. Затем… положить этот образ обратно на всё психотипы и таким образом подобрать универсальный ключик к любому и каждому.
Разработка в итоге обошлась Дональду Фредовичу в 5 миллионов долларов. Но! Он получил в свои руки - секретное супер-оружие. Кто занимался таргетированной рекламой… поймёт, что это значит. Помните, сколько всего денег потратили фонды Клинтон и “их сторонники” на кампанию по всему миру? В 5 раз больше, чем Трамп.
People didn’t purge their comments to remove this information from the public, but they purged it from reddit making money off limiting the access to this information.
Reddit was always making money off their content. The tragedy is that the common knowledge is destroyed. They didn’t bother to copy it to a public place, they just nuked information and context. The loss is for newcomers on any topics. The result is the same old questions being asked over and over, which all social media sites (including Lemmy thrive on FRESH content).
I think people who single out hate and dehumanization and violence in one spot have tunnel vision. Hate and violence is all bad. Hate is incredibly popular in drawing a crowd, but overall it is better to criticize all hate like Martin Luther King Jr. did. MLKJr would emphasize not just hate from white to blacks in USA, but all hate in the human brain in general. Too many people want to use hate as an organization tool, weaponize gangs of hate over something or another, and I’m sick of all the crossfire. With social media, it’s everywhere.
people joined basically with no terms of service on a lot of Lemmy instances.
Free and open information, like Wikipedia, used to be an ideal. I have used Reddit since 2008 or earlier because it got on search engines and shared information consistently on precise topics. Twitter used to also be this way, but now mostly only puts paid subscribers on search engines.
If you are to organize information around topics, such as a Commodore 64 community, and the protocol openly allows copies to be made via federation, I encourage people to have the attitude that information be treated like Wikipedia content. It sucks now that so much information from 10 years ago has been just entirely lost now that so many deliberately purged their Reddit comments, etc. Tragedy of the commons. And it drags down the entire planet that people squirrel away discussions on topics that are generally public. It’s like now everyone wants to monetize even their discussions on Commodore 64 or automotive repair / have behind absolute control or paywalls /etc.
While I agree with what you are saying, I think audiences crave the falsehoods strongly, regardless of how the sausage is made. And I know that the technology itself may be regulated for normal consumers, while ‘professionals’ will use their wealth to get another set of technology that does it better. Much like in the USA prostitution is generally illegal, but filing sex for pornography media is legal. There really are not very many preaching to level the playing fields on media production hardware. And if you look at the energy requirements and cost of a high-end GPU just as run-time, you can start to get the sense of how a $15,000 camera is going to be able to do post-production that a consumer smartphone won’t have.
James Joyce has entered the chat
I don’t enjoy art that divides people with hate. The Bible as art, the Quran as art, the Torah as art - where clergy preaches that “only our book is correct, all other books are false”. I find no pleasure in hate, I find no pleasure in war and killing.
I leave the life
I left behind
There’s truth that lives
And truth that dies
I don’t know which
Never mind
يا سلام على السلام يا سلام
يا سلام يا سلام، يا سلام يا سلام
I could not kill
The way you kill
I could not hate
I tried, I failed
You turned me in
At least you tried
You side with them whom
You despise
This was your heart
This swarm of flies
This was once your mouth
This bowl of lies
You serve them well, I’m not surprised
You’re of their kin
You’re of their kind
Popular Problems:
Worse than ever :( over 14 years, and I have an audience of 4 persons, four persons in fourteen years and 2 months :( who can match that artistic record?
I hope too. Thank you.
Anybody else feel like Lemmy is like 60% Russian trolls lately?
China and Russia both
if I need a Chrome based browser
I don’t think Chromium has “gone bad”? They make a WIndows and macOS build too, not just Linux:
It isn’t funny. It’s exactly how Trump got into so much society power in the first place! “Mock mock mockery” behavior!
On The “Contradictory Vaudeville” Of Post-Modern Politics
What this film is going to suggest is that that defeatist response has become a central part of a new system of political control. And to understand how this is happening, you have to look to Russia…
NOTHING stops this, because people keep mocking back. And it isn’t just one single individual, Donald Trump, but multiple families (Rupert Murdoch, etc) and millions of people who believe QAnon / “Q” without there being any person, just a constant barrage of leadership icons mocking truth, mocking sincerity, mocking the Constitution, it is a media cult of ignorance! NOTHING STOPS IT! 10 years and 10 months of this!
Blah blah blah week :(
Bad Dog seems to have a YouTube channel, but they aren’t off to a good start. All the songs they uploaded are marked as YouTube Kids which means you can’t even playlist them.
Twitter / X is the drug, tiny little bits of LSD drug. for video by media expert Marshall McLuhan.
Rumors, happenings, and innovations in the technology sphere. If it’s technological news or discussion of technology, it probably belongs here.
This fits with the “Rumors” of technology company of this community.
I suggest putting bounty awards or running contest (prizes) for open source software related to Beehaw… even $50 for certain feature, make a dedicated website maybe (Beehaw Bounty .org or something)
welcome. Hope your week has started off well.