Anyone have a link to an article I can read?
Anyone have a link to an article I can read?
For most games I’d agree with you. But when it comes to Kojima, I don’t think it really matters. I finished the first game and, aside from delivering packages, I’d have trouble explaining what it is about. After watching the trailer for DS2 I’m thinking “okay, that’s even weirder, I recognize those faces, babies again I guess, and he’s still delivering packages it seems.”
Well, things would exist whether you’re in a capitalist economic system or not. People would make music and label their genre. People would write books and want to sell them. The real difference is who gets the profits.
If you’re linking to a paywalled site like bloomberg, could you please provide the text in the post, or link to a archive.org copy? All I know about this is the title and the first paragraph of the article. Frustrating.
Except for 2020 the 2024 election had the highest voter turnout so far this century. A lot of people were voting. Was it just more Trump supporters that turned up? He does have a way of stirring people up. He picks topics that make a certain type of person mad and that brings them out. Kamala could have responded by picking topics that inspired the left. Trump was offering a complete overhaul of the government and sweeping social changes (which he is delivering). Kamala was offering more of the same. I suspect he just brought out more people that otherwise wouldn’t have voted.
And before you start blaming me for it, I, like most of us, don’t live in a swing state. My vote literally didn’t matter.
What do you think of the police response to the Uvalde school shooting? Was it justified for them to stand around and wait while Salvador Ramos was killing other students inside? Maybe they should have just asked him nicely to stop? What about Steven Paddock in Las Vegas? Or Omar Mateen in Orlando? Would you have stood by and watched while they were shooting people? Would you have thought “I can’t know how this will turn out so I’m going to let them continue.” Or, assuming it’s the only way to stop them, would you have killed them to save a large number of innocent lives?
To make it even more clear, Omar Mateen started the trolley rolling. Would you pull the track switch so it runs over Omar Mateen? Or would you stand by and watch as it runs over 50 innocent people?
This is a hypothetical question unrelated to whether you could do anything about it with a ‘death note’ book. I’m just curious to hear your thoughts.
And just so you know, you can make your point without insulting someone.
Maybe if you used “electrocuted by a bolt of lightning” or “turned into a pillar of salt” or some other widely recognized form of divine retribution. That may be enough to distract investigators and throw them off your scent. But if not you are just revealing information that will lead the investigators right to you.
Kira/Light was thinking small. Targeting criminals already in jail is just vengeance. With a death note you have the power to reshape global politics and even all of society. Psychopaths/sociopaths often rise to top positions in business and government because they are good at deception, ruthless, and can shield themselves from the consequences of their actions. And from there their capacity to do harm to others can be immense. Luigi not only understood this, he had the courage of his convictions.
Heh, maybe I’d give the death note to Luigi.
A lot of people in the comments here are taking the high ground. “I wouldn’t use it. I’m not a killer. I’m better than that.”
But by not using it you are even more of a killer. This is a trolley problem. If you pull the right switch one evil psychopathic murderer dies, if you don’t pull the switch thousands of their innocent victims die. If you have the power to make that decision then the responsibility for the deaths falls on your shoulders, whether it’s one death or thousands.
So yeah, I’d use it. I’d start at the top of the psychopathic killer list and move down. I doubt I’d have to wonder when to stop. There are so many. But once they got the message I’d be more moderate and only use it when necessary.
I think the journal article wrap up is pretty clear.
Higher intake of red meat, particularly processed red meat, was associated with a higher risk of developing dementia and worse cognition. Reducing red meat consumption could be included in dietary guidelines to promote cognitive health.
Workpro multitool often dips below $20.
The Cool Tools review on it is pretty good.
There are two kinds of true, and thus two kinds of ‘real’. There’s the kind where what you believe matters and the kind where it doesn’t. Gravity is the second kind. Step off the top of a building and it doesn’t matter if you believe in gravity, you’re going to fall. Politics is the first kind. If everyone believes I’m the king of North America, well, then that’s the truth. It’s reality. Likewise if everyone in the government believes that Elon Musk can fire whoever he wants, then he can, because everyone will just go along with it.
So what is it? Phospate Removal Material doesn’t tell me much. Is it activated charcoal? Ground peanut shells? I need to know.
A paper on the topic reports that
Several adsorbents have been used for phosphate removal from water. They include; aluminium-modified biochar (Yin et al. 2018), aluminium-doped magnetic nanoparticles (Xu et al. 2017), laterite soils, and black cotton soil (Reddy et al. 2020).
You seem to be arguing that FDR was a leftist because of the policies he implemented. But I think what you are missing is why he implemented those policies. I think the truth is he didn’t really have the public interest at heart. His agenda was to contain a growing threat to capitalism in the form of the Communist Party of the 1930s. His strategy to contain the CP was to neuter the party by bringing it into the Democratic party fold, alienating their most militant members, and slowly squashing their agenda. Of course he had to appeal to their interests to do so. But it was a temporary strategy, not a real shift in US policy. There are a few articles on the topic if you are genuinely interested. Here’s one. And here’s a quote from another.
The New Deal reforms Sanders evokes were not the product of a farsighted, enlightened reformer, but responses to tumultuous class struggles in the early and mid-1930s. These reforms sought to contain explosive social struggles and were never truly universal, excluding women and African-Americans, for example. After mass struggle ebbed, Roosevelt shifted back to his original goal of stabilizing US capitalism while moving toward establishing US global domination during World War II. Progressive reforms came to an abrupt halt in the late 1930s, allowing the rollback of many popular gains during the 1940s.
Sounds like it’s time for a municipal broadband solution. If AT&T doesn’t want the business, fine. Let’s not force them to take our money.
It isn’t right you need an extension for it, but here we are. Don’t F*** With Paste
Sorry to reference an old reddit post, but this reminds me of Today you, tomorrow me.
Hah, we had a TV with one of those when I was a little kid. I remember the TV would sometimes hear just the right tone from its own speaker and change the channel. The buttons on the remote did have a very satisfying click, though.
That’s maybe two cents worth of rounding error. If you add the Subtotal, tip, fee, and tax it comes up to 36.53, not 38.52. Where’s the extra 1.99?
I read this as a call to action for the people Musk/Trump are ordering around. If everyone just said “no, I won’t to do what you tell me” then we might avoid the collapse of the government/economy/country.