Allow me to introduce you to The Feederz.
I don’t think Hugo Boss is a great fit for the overall Redbull brand.
“No capes!” — Edna Mode
Plan C, Carlos.
Input Mono patched for NerdFonts.
Nobody should listen to billionaire boomer fucks.
Nobody should listen to billionaire boomer fucks.
Some good options here. I’m a fan of TrueNAS from iX Systems. Very easy to build your own but I’ll admit my last box I just bought their mini and put in my own disks.
I’d avoid QNAP although they’ll do the job.
This is a bit bogus. I just retired a 2012 iMac because I needed a new version of macOS to match my other devices. The only thing I ever did to the iMac was replace the original fusion driver with a SATA SSD (Samsung). It ran faster - boot times well under 10 seconds from the Apple chime.
Replace the HDD with an SSD . Update it to the latest macOS that hardware supports and it will be fine for web, email, basic office duty stuff, if you are sticking to Apple. I could also Bootcamp and run four instances of EVE Online with no issues.
There are a bunch of other things you can do with it outside of macOS but it really is getting up there in age.
This payout has got to be fractions of a penny per 100 gold or something similar to the low rates artists are paid for Spotify plays or YouTube views.
If you copied pasted your config and don’t know what each line does, delete it.
You said “beautiful” but I’m not sure you are using that word right.
ngl, I hope they figure out more malicious compliance to make the Reddit management looks like fools before nuking it from orbit.
I’ll give it a shot. Running self hosted or a VPS isn’t an issue. Thanks.
Any idea on what the monthly cost is going to run?
I’m not going to argue anything on that clip but it did make me laugh. People can be very clever.
I can’t but it’s part of what enables their platform. has calendars for all the things.