Man, everywhere you turn, someone’s riding Elon’s dick. FFS.
Man, everywhere you turn, someone’s riding Elon’s dick. FFS.
To me it seems like a push towards the whole “own nothing” idea. Whether it’s something like CSAM detection or even mundane SaaS, things are slowly shifting away from the end user having control over their “own” devices.
I’m torn, because on the one hand, pedophiles and child abusers deserve the severest of consequences in my opinion; on the other hand, I also think that people should be able to do and/or say whatever they want so long as its not causing actual harm to another.
I find that most VPNs are so heavily shilled that by that very nature, makes them suspect. Since the days of Napster, WinMX, Bearshare and the like, I’ve gotten exactly 2 “Hey, knock it off” letters from my ISP. And they were both from new-release, mouse-affiliated movie releases from a public tracker.
Get in with some of the private trackers and 99.9% of the worry disappears. Try not to upload terabytes of data, and the majority of ISPs (I mean, two of the 3 that seem to have the monopolies at least) wont even bother sending the notices.
“as well as — scarily — diseases such as COVID-19, hepatitis, herpes and more.”