Pluto, would you mind doing an orbit for the lady?
Bon ben … Révolution ??
Abus ?
Joli conditionnement à la soumission et l’acceptation : les “besoins” d’un golf ?
Une personne démuni est dans le besoin; un golf est, au mieux, un caprice …
C’est ça la bonne stratégie : sortir toute la merde du RN et LR au grand jour, bourriner du 49.3 et soit la loi passe soit c’est motion de censure et s’il faut relancer un nouveau vote BOUM encore plus de NFP au pouvoir. C’est un peu grindy comme strat mais si ça fonctionne, c’est le meilleur rogue-like de l’année !
Oups j’ai fait tomber ce lien par mégarde: https://fr.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Article_49_alinéa_3_de_la_Constitution_de_la_Cinquième_République_française
J’espère que la personne qui le retrouvera en fera bon usage…
Yeah, a better analogy would be x(f)
Try Typst with Polylux
Price per kilogram is good if you want to compare product A vs product B (we already have that). Here the point of this law is to be able to compare product A with itself in another point in time, because there is nothing actually in place to be able to reliably do that other than keeping a list of all prices at all time. The two together will be a very good tool to inform the consumers about the shady practice of some producers…
If it does not come from the torture region it’s only sparkling violence.
Or are you just happy to see me? uwu
Is there “no evidence” that using a parachute helps prevent injuries when jumping out of planes? This was the conclusion of a cute paper in the BMJ, which pointed out that as far as they could tell, nobody had ever done a study proving parachutes helped. Their point was that “evidence” isn’t the same thing as “peer-reviewed journal articles”. So maybe we should stop demanding journal articles, and accept informal evidence as valid?
Well, 100% accuracy after removing all the noise in the dataset …
At least it proves that their method can separate two extremes. But what about the real life where 90% of the people are ?
You have my upvote, but please, don’t do it again.
Ok, you win one (1) internet.
This is beautiful.
Mathematician be like:
Hey engineer ! What if we kissed at the intersection of two parallel lines ?? 😳
Haha just kiding…
Unless … ? 👉👈
And then, they all clapped! The name of the child? Luigi’s asscheek!