Every single time he opens his mouth would be enough.
Every single time he opens his mouth would be enough.
Nature is healing
I was working for that women once, and she was super nice. I was like 30 and she was around 50, but she tried really hard to be cool and hip. She said she’s hosting a dinner party bbq kinda deal and if i wanna come. I said i’d love to, but i already have tickets for a concert.
“What concert?”
“Oh it’s that band, they are not really famous.”
“I know some bands, you know?!”
“Infant Annihilator”
“What’s that?”
‘They are called INFANT ANNIHILATOR’
“Oh okay… Never heard of them.”
I’m so glad the pedophile ring is invluding the lgtbq+ community. They are so nice and progressive. If i were gay, the first thing i’d wish for is that the pedos like me.
But it says so on reddit.
That’s kinda crazy. I always thought that a thing from the movies. In 40 years i only remember 3 blackouts, and two of them were when i was like 7 and it had just an absurd amount of snow.
I have a hard time enjoying this meme because it’s dumb and unfunny. It’s peak le epic Reddit thing that we all agree to care about even if no one actually vares about that ape.
A lot of people do, weirdly. My dad is super obese and would rather eat weird smelling old ass cheap processed meat than anything remotely healthy. But he would bever eat the same thing twice a day, or the next day. Everything he cooks and doesn’t eat gets immediately thrown away. Meanwhile i can cook on sunday and eat it for a week.
There was this throwaway line in some random sitcom where someone aks if they want to have Chinese food for dinner and he says something like: we had chinese food yesterday. On which he replied: chinese people eat chinese food everyday.
They claim 340 miles on a model 3, which in real life testing goes as low as 190 miles. If you now subtract another 60% it looks really bleak in the worst case scenario
For what i need a car now a days, 500km per charge would be plenty for me, and i wouldn’t even care about fast charging and stuff. So now you only really get 300ish km per charge in the real world. Okay that would still be enough for me. But then it also gets worse and worse with each charge… Idk, maybe it’s not as much as a problem in the real world, but in my head i’m not sure if i could deal with that. Imagine your range goes down every time you fill up your car with gas, i don’t think people would be fine with that. A gas car loses power over the years, but i think losing range is so much worse, especially considering a new battery is as expensive as a new car. And i really actually like EV’s
Not the pedophile. I’m so disappointed
My best friend visited me on saturday. She said she’ll be here from 11 to 5. I had the weirdest sigh of relief when she took off at 4 because of her kid.
Is day drinking slowly but surely becoming a problem? On tinder, wine seems to be the most important thing for most women i see. Or at least in the top 3. A lot of women have like 4 pictures and holding wine in three of them. A lot can not comprehend that i never drink at all.
That’s why you always have to ask: “really?”
Finally accepted by the pedophile weirdos
Teenager… Millenial?
Or national hero, depending on who you ask
When even the crazies boo you, it’s time to think about your life choices
Yeah, one would really think