That’s so meta I’d actually be interested to see how they pull it off…
Poorly, that’s a given, but beyond that.
That’s so meta I’d actually be interested to see how they pull it off…
Poorly, that’s a given, but beyond that.
I babysat my cousin’s 3 kids under 5 for the year I lived in their basement (free rent trade)
And above all the noise and hassle and all, the day I knew kids definitely weren’t for me… was the day the parents went out for one of their “be home tomorrow, probably” nights, knowing full well at least one of the kids had the flu.
It ended up being all three of them. All I did all night was give baths, sooth crying, change bedding, and clean up vomit.
I managed to keep them alive and relatively comfortable, but I don’t ever want to do anything even close to that ever again.
I want science to win so that’s a good option anyway.
Uh, yeah I know, I mentioned that in the comment you replied to.
I don’t really care about downvotes, but those of you doing so… you might want to actually look into the research behind it. I picked a couple of random links for it because there’s literally nothing special about any of it, along with an NIH article about brown fat recruitment. The science is solid. It’s not a magic bullet; it’s not a replacement for healthy eating or real exercise; it does work for raw calorie burning and for making your body system more efficient at staying warm through calorie burning long term. That’s what our bodies are made to do. It’s a great calorie balancing supplement with very little actual effort.
Shivering is a great easy way to burn calories, and increase the rate you burn calories later through beige fat recruitment.
This should NOT be used to replace healthy eating or proper exercise, but shivering burns gobs of calories to produce heat, and the brown fat (located mostly in your back around neck and shoulders, used just for producing heat from fat) recruits surrounding white fat and transforms it into beige fat (basically converts normal fat into leaky heat-generating fat) to increase the heat generation, and thus calorie burn, of subsequent shivers.
Here’s some links about it, if you are interested. It may not be actionable in the summer, but if you have a basement floor you can lay on, a tub of cold water, or access to a walk in freezer, you can get a healthy shiver going any time.
They don’t come around anymore, but I used to say that I was disfellowshipped/excommunicated, whichever was fitting for whatever religion they were selling. If they ask why, which they basically never do, just say “I’d really rather not talk about it, if you don’t mind…”
They don’t actually want to waste time talking to people who were kicked out of the church for “bad behavior”, and in many cases aren’t even allowed to, so they blacklist your address.
No soliciting signs typically do the job, too, though.
Used doesn’t fix the spying problem, only helps with the price. And that’s not even a guarantee anymore. So you aren’t wrong, but it doesn’t help the issue I specifically have with them (which I have with all newer cars).
My current car is 2012 civic coupe, and if I don’t drive it much, it’s perfectly fine for what I use it for without upgrading, other than that it’s starting to need bigger work more frequently, and not stuff I know how to do. Decent mileage and all, but fully ice. I’d like to upgrade to electric or at least hybrid, but they all have the same spying problem. So I just cut driving as much as I can. I live in a rural town, closest grocery store is half an hour away by highway, so zero driving isn’t an option, unfortunately.
I wont buy an ev until they stop being mobile spying devices, especially considering the price tag. Same with any new/more efficient car. If that never happens, I just won’t ever have one. That’s the way it has to be because I am not a product, especially if I’m paying thousands of dollars. If it’s free, I’ll think about it.
I live somewhere that I can’t really survive without a car, but I’ve reduced my driving substantially (once a week now at most) I’d like to get an e-bike, but can’t really justify the spend at the moment.
This is really catchy and upbeat :)
Are you also upset when they do a donation drive and have a pre-article header literally asking for money?
This could be really important for areas subject to drought conditions; I hope it’s widely applicable, but I read something years back about using something similar to make desertified areas fertile again and then haven’t seen anything about it being implemented since, so I’m not sure if this is the same thing just more developed or if it’s a new thing that could be game changing.
Heck yeah!
I had a Sony atrak 3+ player back in the day (around 2003-4, probably, because I used it at work) which was just an mp3 file compression alternative served up on a special cd player instead of an mp3 player… they tried… anyway I had a re-writable disc that I’d add stuff to whenever I downloaded it, and I think the one cd had like 1800 songs on it or so (and lots of space left)
That didn’t skip, even working a physical job, unless I banged it against something. Part of why I got it. But when I put regular discs in, they would skip a lot if I didn’t have it laying flat.
This is one of those “they were so concerned with if they could do it, they didn’t stop to think if they should” sort of things.
Portable cd players were never actually that portable, because cds are just big. Minidisc players sure, but those never really caught on. MP3 players, however, caught on because they are small and easily portable, and the library doesn’t take up a binder.
Ngl, the more this happens the more servicers are confused about what they should be collecting and from whom, and that’s actually a win for the borrowers (not as much of a win as this shit going through but still).
For example, due to the slew of challenges, I’m still on $0 repayment through October and don’t even have to certify income for that. And who knows if they will actually move forward with resuming charges for it; this is the second time it’s been delayed for me.
I hope the system does get thrown into complete chaos if it doesn’t all get forgiven or at least restructured. That would be better than people having to pay for worthless and/or overpriced degrees, and not being able to do shit with their lives.
Normally I’m not a fan of transparent background scrolling content (it’s obnoxious and a waste of space) but the little car was a cute touch. Entirely unnecessary, but cute.
He looks so pleased with himself. Good for him.
I have a collection of over 80k ebooks. I got most of them in huge download packs decades ago, and removed duplicates. it’s a surprisingly small folder.
I did the math on it long ago and it would take more than 200 years, reading an average of one full book a day, every day, to get through them all.
So I’m happy just knowing that if I get through some of them, it’s better than none of them. Time is limited, make the most of it by doing what sparks joy, and not worrying about what you didn’t get to.
Lawyers say these policies violate Amendment A, which was approved by Colorado voters in 2018 and bans the state from “engaging in slavery or involuntary servitude” under any circumstances.
Valerie Collins, an attorney from Towards Justice, said the case isn’t about prohibiting all prison labor.
“All our clients are demanding is that the state stops forcing people to work,” she said, in a statement. “The state could remedy these constitutional violations today if it wanted to.”
Idk kinda sounds like they do.
… how, though, actually? Like fr fr, tell me how to do this.
Dunno about that. Apartment I used to live in had a window installed upside down because they wanted specific handing for the opening, and the shower surround was also upside down, meaning water didn’t drain off properly.