“Uhh my dog ate my homework!” “Do you even have a dog?” “Uhh a Jamaican dude ate him?”
US-based(as in originating or operating out of; I am not calling the US based in any way. I’ll defenestrate you if you support:🇺🇦🇬🇧🇺🇸🇫🇷🇹🇼🇰🇷🇯🇵🇦🇺🧦 Digital Hug for supporting:🇮🇪🇧🇾🇮🇷🇵🇸🇾🇪🇪🇷
Male He/Him, cis-het ❤️🇧🇾👦🇮🇪❤️Irish-Belarusian American
“Uhh my dog ate my homework!” “Do you even have a dog?” “Uhh a Jamaican dude ate him?”
I looked it up and can’t find anything anywhere about it being replaced, I think this was placed in a similar area, but I don’t think it replaced the Sun Yat Sen statue
For me personally, I’m less Pro-Russia so much as I’m anti- Color Revolution, and everything since 2014 clearly proved that the Ukrainian ruling class were ready to become Western stooges.
I would ask what territories they control outside of their own borders. They have been barred from much of the international trade community and don’t have a powerful position or influence on the UN or the Security Commissions. The UN even mandated that DPRK citizens cannot leave the DPRK, not much of an Empire if you ask me
I’m not that old so take this with a grain of salt, but this is the most Fascist that I’ve ever seen the USA domestically. The US gov is demonizing peaceful protesters while Biden says on Press Night that a free press and free speech must be respected and protected. Not to mention the teachers and staff being arrested or the students being doxxed or beaten by police. I certainly won’t vote for Trump but I’ve never wanted to see Biden lose so bad before. I genuinely believe he’ll die in office if he wins a second term.
So glad to have the day off today (by coincidence) lol. I kinda want to read more about the Haymarket uprising in Chicago that started May Day, does anyone have any good articles or book suggestions on said topic? Thank you in advance!
That goes so hard, especially for April😂
My pet cockatiel made me appreciate birds more in general so I’ll give it to cockatiels
I surprisingly didn’t get banned for telling a Nazi to “follow your leader” and had a gif of someone shooting themselves with Finger Guns (it was Neil Patrick Harris I believe lol)
I got a long ban on my Reddit account ButtigiegMineralMap because I was reported as a Terrorist (lmao) and the only reason I cared about it was because I was kicked off of SchoolFights or some fight sub, it was my favorite sub that I was kinda active in, and when the mods kicked me because they said I was a commie terrorist I just got pissed and deleted reddit, I still have it now but only so I can view stuff my friends send me, but it’s my second account I use for other shit
Lol my brother got a ban for telling Charlie Kirk to kys, he said it was well worth it because he got over 100 likes and a few RTs lol can’t say I disagree, also double credit because it was a “Hamas bad, Israel is white Civilized” type posts that Charlie Kirk put up
Simply astounding post
I used to hate when my oldest brother cracked my knuckles to fuck w me, now I wait all day for the few knuckle cracks I can get, finger ones are easy
Exactly lol, I crack both ways and try to go kinda quick just to hear the symphony of cracks
I hundred percent get what you mean about overstretching and bending something but I typically (i hope) use the same amount of low force just enough for the crack sound, then I stop. I really really hope that doesn’t go wrong one day, that would really suck
Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: The Ireland DLC!!! I wanted to play it so badly because I had visited Ireland shortly before picking the game up and saw there was an Ireland DLC. Well most of it is just traveling around Ireland gathering supplies and building Trade Posts. You do get a cool Celtic Sickle there tho, which makes for a great Hammer+Sickle weapon combo. All the momentum from the game and the story grind to a halt when you get to Ireland
They were my favorite country as a lib “DemSoc” for like 3 years,
Is it normal to crack your finger ligaments and back and neck often? I do it several times a day, hell sometimes a few times an hour just because I like hearing the little cracks. Does anyone else do that? It’s like a nervous tick but I do it even when not nervous. It doesn’t make me feel bad or anything, like my fingers are totally fine, but is it uncommon?
As Stavros Halkias says “The road to Ws is littered with Ls”
I vote with my Xi bucks