She really did. She physically capable and willing to fight, but just really wanted to be seen for her feminity. I think she’s a wonderful character, especially given the genre and time period.
I played that for longer than I wanted to
This is a dangerous road you walk.
Elton John starts playing
I’m hoping I can laugh as he gets bird flu while liberals tell us to pray for his recovery.
Americhristian self- image, but yeah.
It could with a chip in your brain.
He’s been out of touch with reality since at least the end of Apartheid.
But I hadn’t noticed him mixing real life with videogames. Lmao what a dweeb.
You mean you wouldn’t play chess with a skill tree or fog of war?
Seriously I’d call it a dog-brained take, but that’s an insult to dogs.
Don’t forget the terrible takes that would come from the bazingaist of bazinga brains. Without the thousands of years of history of chess, these takes would be more popular.
Forced births without resources for children.
It’s the American way (to build a desperate class of laborers.)
Some people would rather die than accept advice from someone they view as inferior. Some have a world view that depends on ignoring key parts of reality.
Acceptable Western journalism is providing isolated data points as though they exist in a vacuum.
Publishing the two articles is unbiased journalism.
Pointing out the connection is political.
I do it too often. I’m doing a rewatch of Dragon Ball Z and it’s not as fulfilling as focusing on it alone, but I see something familiar and I end up curving checking out and playing Animal Crossing.
I’ve been saying I want to read a book on my reader app, but my phone is the worst place to keep my books. Part of the reason I want to isekai from here is to disconnect from the mandatory phone.