Nobody here has the full set of data required to truly answer this question. The adage that economists are wrong 95% of the time is true because everyone who tries to predict the future is essentially making bets. Regardless of how or why.
Will these high import taxes on the american economy strengthen the dollar and drive up imports anyways? Will this (relative) closing of the american economy serve as a perfect excuse for inertial inflation / monopoly profits to rise regardless of the calculus involved? Will people and companies find novel ways around the import taxes? Will the import taxes mostly just eat into the profits of US importers? Will foreign export economies make up the shock by relying on new, growing markets around the world? Will the import taxes be mostly just a means of picking winners and losers in the US economy, so that imports still happen its just that profits are funneled to a narrower sector of the oligarchy? Will tariffs be used to just browbeat countries into submission, to be unceremoniously dropped as soon as certain oligarchs get whatever they want from, say, México?
I don’t know. I don’t think anybody really knows.
I think the canadians drank the cool aid on this one.
This has nothing to do with drugs or whatever. Mexico is the USA’s new sweatshop. Canada is the resource colony that supplies the US and Mexico. There’s a pecking order there - because its all owned by american capital, it all serves to strengthen the US. But while import taxes would be mutually destructive to everyone involved one of the trio deals in manufactured goods. What is Canada gonna do? Build a pipeline to Europe?