Having the internet on any pocket-sized device should be outlawed and hundreds of millions of people need to be put into rehabilitation camps.
destroying 30 ships takes a long fucking time
The ships you blow up in the Vanguard flight sim count against this total ;)
BGS used to have a few weirdos at the office ((Kirkbride included) who made things messy and interesting. Another one was lead concept artist Adam Adamowicz. He did all the art for Fallout 3 and like 75% of it for Skyrim (this is coming from an AMA with another BGS artist who was there at the time).
Adam died of lung cancer in 2012.
Bethesda’s games’ look and feel and writing have been nosediving. Everything feels more focus-grouped and hermetically-sealed and clean and horrifically uninteresting.
All that being said, I think I have like 60 hours in Starfield and while it is indeed boring as shit, it’s boring in a very BGS-type of way only BGS can do, and in a weird way I actually like it and plan on finishing the game. I can’t describe it, I think I’m just an uncurable Bethesda stan.
We estimate that free-ranging domestic cats kill 1.3–4.0 billion birds and 6.3–22.3 billion mammals annually.
What in the ever loving fuck??? Where did they get these numbers? I didn’t read the whole paper but I couldn’t find it scanning.
My outdoor local ecosystem of skunks, raccoons, rats and squirrels are flourishing. Are cats killing that many birds? I don’t have a cat, but my neighbor’s cats killed a couple birds so the neighbor put little bells on all the cats so they can’t sneak up on shit anymore.
Oh yeah Cali is definitely not that progressive overall. What happened was all the leftists here relentlessly bullied all of our white lib family and friends who normally would have voted Warren or Pete or Kamala. Got em all feelin the Bern by threatening them with broken friendships/relationships and calling them dumb libs. Sometimes bullying works, folks.
Also Latinxs were high as fuck on tio Bernie. Remember them carrying Nevada over the finish line?
In terms of 22, Uber and the other supermutant gig behemoths spent over two hundred million dollars on propaganda (vs. about 25 million on the other side). There were slick youtube ads in front of every single video over the last month+ in Cali with all these “uber driver” actors talking about how 22 will keep them freed up to work when they want. They also cooked their own books when reporting that “75% of drivers support prop 22” - they sent all their employees - ahem - I mean “contractors” - a survey, but it was vaguely/manipulatively-written so as to elicit a “yes” response if you weren’t already educated about the proposition.: “Do you want to be able to choose your own hours, or do you want to get raped by Satan?” They then got to turn around and say, “see? It’s what the workers want!” when more people chose “choose my own hours.”
I fucking hate California with the passion of a thousand burning suns. I was born, raised and still live in what is supposed to be an ultra-progressive, mega-enlightened part of the state, and pretty much 95% (95% is a bit high, let’s say 3 out of 4) of the people I know are complete airhead resistance-poisoned libs who can’t a get a single political idea straight in their jumbly goo brains. They believe in all the fucking capitalist fairytales they were taught when they were children, and outright reject any kind of socialist project. Like an alien who can’t see the color green or whatever, you hold it right in front of their face and their eyes glaze over.
Funny side story: ChatGPT 3.5 refuses to recognize Palestine as living under apartheid. If you ask it what are the conditions of apartheid, it will list them clearly and use South Africa & Jim Crow U.S. as examples. If you ask it if Palestine fits the same criteria it just laid out, it will agree, but will refuse to say it definitively, only responding with a million different variants of “it’s a complex issue.”
AI bros should have to do prison time with hard labor.