PI currently working out of Oakmont, Massachusetts.

Third time’s the charm.

  • 10 Posts
Joined 7 months ago
Cake day: August 13th, 2024


  • I don’t play as much anymore, but I have roughly 1200 hours in Diablo 3.

    In Steam, my top most hours played are: Sims 3: 945 Mad Max: 609 Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines: 230

    Xbox doesn’t tell me the time played for all of my games, but I know for sure I have a stupid amount of hours invested in Dead Space 2 and LA Noire. It does say I have about 650 hours in Resident Evil Revelations 2, but that’s because I really enjoy Raid Mode.

  • Finished the Night Springs and the Lake House expansions, as well as Alan Wake 2 itself. I actually really liked The Lake House, and imo it was scarier than the main game. It got me really excited for Control 2.

    Got through a few levels in Doom II.

    Decided to have another go through We Happy Few, at least Arthur’s chapter, as kind of a palate cleanser after spending so much time on Remedy games. I’m working on a few achievements, so it might end up being a longer playthrough than last time.

  • Found all the collectables and filled out the ability tree in Control! I’m a little sad to put this game away, but there’s not much more I can do in it. I could try maxing out the weapon mods, but there really is no reason to do so, so I’m moving on.

    I was holding off on restarting Alan Wake 2 until after the Thanksgiving holiday, so I’ve been back at it again with Subnautica. I’ve got three bases so far, and now I’m working on building out a bunch of ion batteries and power cells for my equipment and Cyclops sub. I really wish you could get the ion stuff earlier in the game, since it’s fairly close to the end, but I’m going to see what more I can do before finishing this out.

  • I finished Max Payne but idk how I ever got through the first couple times I played it… I had so much trouble this round that I would be seriously stuck if it wasn’t for console commands T_T I briefly thought about playing Max Payne 2, but thinking about the final fight in that game is kind of off putting, so I’ll leave it be.

    I originally wasn’t going to go through Quantum Break again, but since I had already decided on playing Max Payne and Control, I thought, what the hell, it’s a great game so I’ll go another round in it. Besides, Alan Wake 2 technically does reference it, so… lore! Plot points! The game is still great fun, incredibly underrated, but I am a little miffed that I now had to install the show episodes to watch them. Not a huge deal, but having to stop and wait a few hours for all the versions to download took me out of the moment.

    Started a new playthrough of Subnautica to do between Remedy games. I’m trying to explore more and utilize the beacons and the scanner room, and man, I’ve already come across stuff I haven’t seen before. This might end up being a game I put on regular rotation as a “filler” game, like Mad Max or V:TM Bloodlines.

  • Popped back into Diablo 4 for a couple nights for their Halloween event.

    Finished Alan Wake and its DLCs! I always forget how much I love this game. It makes me very happy to have replayed it again.

    Next on the Remedy list is Max Payne, which I just started last night. I also love this game, but man, I always forget how terrible I am at it. I don’t know if it’s because it’s an older game or because I play with mouse and keyboard, but my coordination is absolutely abysmal. But, I’m still having fun, and that’s all that matters.

  • Technically finished out the season journey and “campaign” rewards for Diablo 4: Season 6, now I’m just going for 100% completion and the rest of the battle pass rewards. I’m thinking it might take me a while, since for whatever reason ancestral items don’t drop that often for me, and the last thing I have to do is salvage 100 of them. It might have to do with the Torment level I’m on, but since the season doesn’t end until the end of January, I’m not too worried.

    Speaking of Diablo, I was going to complete Diablo 4: Vessel of Hatred with my OG campaign Necromancer, but I was having so much fun with my seasonal Rogue that I started working on and finished the DLC with her instead. Not sure how I feel about the ending of the expansion, since leaves a very big opening for more expansions (or d5?) and doesn’t really feel finished as far as the story goes.


    We don’t even get to fight fight Mephisto! Just like a concept of him or whatever. wtf is up with that? And where tf is Diablo? He’s the one I’m here for.

    Since The Lake House DLC came out this past week for Alan Wake 2, I’ve decided to replay (most) things Remedy, starting with Alan Wake, of course. I’m playing the remaster, which looks a lot better than I remember playing it for the first time. And while replaying it after having played AW2, I didn’t realize there were SO MANY references they stuck in referring to the sequel. Hell, even the QR codes that were just fun little things in the pc port have been turned into straight up references. It’s been so fun to replay.

  • Finally started in on Diablo 4: Season 6, and it was a little bit of a pain leveling up with the new system, but once I got into the paragon boards, man, things really took off. I am in love with my Dance of Knives Rogue. She is mowing down mobs like they’re nothing. It’s only been a week and I’m already on the Slayer chapter for season objectives. At this rate I’ll be done faster than my Necromancer last season.

    Played Amnesia: The Bunker (again, lol) one night for a couple more achievements: never dropping/storing an item and playing through the whole game without saving. I was also trying to go for three with one about taking out a bunch of rats, but for some reason I could never get more than a group of 4. Oh well.