Need more representatives like Bernie
Need more representatives like Bernie
Amongst the greatest of ridiculous things a president could ask for. The generation that had to experience Nixon is supporting this joke.
This is the new tactic for the dictators, just call <insert literally anything> a nazi. The Ukrainians, the protestors, my dog, all nazi’s. Projection at its greatest.
Omg you’re right! Hyperkalemia of what 9 or 10?
She’s even got an NG tube, must be pretty bad
Agree. We’re a species still very much in its infancy.
They will always persist with anti-logic. The “grand ol’ party” is a continuation of the confederacy. They’re here to act as persistent trolls.
100%. Not intuitive at all
We need to elect PhDs who have proven intellectual rigor and base decisions off data. The current setup is nothing more than a soap opera ran off corporate donations.
Texas signed up first because it has “bullet” in the title.
TropicalDingDong, what a fantasist comment /bit of advice. Ty
Yes aaannnddd everything else
Reflective of society?
And then watch videos of eating it 3-4 times a day for the next 4 years.
I feel like we could benefit from a support group. There has to be dozens of us.
100% Decisions should be based on data that will benefit humans best
Well said