windows 7 reached extended eol in 2020, for security updates only, i believe that’s what they were talking about
windows 7 reached extended eol in 2020, for security updates only, i believe that’s what they were talking about
if this isnt sarcasm, it all boils down to the user experience, most people just want to use an OS and run apps that they want to run as easily and quickly as possible
hey fl studio runs fairly well in wine, ive done full projects with some third party plugins and it was usuable, only issue was lowered performance andvitall’s graphics were flickering
glad that this will be patched out in most phones because android is like windows/linux and can be patched indepenently by the os develop- oh wait nope its all down to manufacturers that only give 3 years of support leaving many phones vulnerable… sighhhhhhh
this feels like a fever dream
wow someone removed my wilma joke :(
why dont we just put uefi on phones
among us
wilma balls fit in yo mouth hey gottem
if you really want ott i believe it works through wine
what we really need on phones and by extension arm devices is a unified bootloader, something akin to a bios or uefi (which btw already exists on arm but manufacturers are choosing to not go with it for some reason)
do plugins that run on wine count?
They are extremely similar to the point that I think they are edging
try using pcem or other kinds of virtualisation
cant you just run the installer with wine which is like 2000% easier?
as far as im aware, roblox’s new anti cheat is not kernel level but rather user level, besides it would scare me if it could run at kernel level considering that it never asks for admin permissions
that’s just extra friction, with UIs you can explore and figure out at a glance roughly what a button will do
i am incredibly confused by what you mean, Microsoft’s website clearly states the extended end of supoort for 7 was jan 2020 as stated here, and besides, the marketshare for windows 7 was still growing in 2012
by any chance, do you mean a push over to windows 7 from something like xp? or are you talking about a push from 7 to 8, which never really happened as all the focus was on the impending 2014 windows xp end of support date