• 2 Posts
Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: July 1st, 2023


  • Not a huge Trudeau fan, but I’d vote for him over SkiPPy every day of the week.

    JT’s main failings IMHO is that despite all the good he did (national pharmacare, dental care, and 10$ a day child care) did not get any media attention, and provinces run by conservative premiers tried to suppress the programs as much as possible.

    He passed the buck on housing for too long, letting Conservative provinces stoke the flames and blame him - and nobody seems to realize housing and healthcare are largely provincial matters. There was plenty he could have done to expose this, or remedy how federal housing funding is allocated.

    He let our grocery monopoly dictate price with no consequences for Greed based inflation.

    Completely sold out workers with a “flood the streets” immigration policy. These new people receive significantly more government assistance than “real Canadians” which rightly pissed everyone off. - FWIW, the Conservatives will absolutely bring even more in, but Fuck Trudeau amirite

    Homelessness is at all time highs and so is shelter costs, meaning eating in a shelter you rent/own basically makes you the 1% even though you can’t afford anything.

    He completely lied about election reform, one of the main mandates he had when originally elected.

    The core of his failing is spending tons of money, but very little of it going to the people who need it while everyone became poorer due to inflation. He wasn’t nearly as “left wing” where it counted as he thinks, and we basically got Neoliberalism with a rainbow flag on top.

    (totally support LGBTQ, but not wanting to do gay/trans harm while actively selling out Canada to corporate interests isn’t “left” at all.)

    Instead, we’re going to vote in SkiPPy, who is a capitalist laptog - to save us from crushing capitalism. Because as a nation we have strong voter apathy and no civic comprehension.

  • Narrative driven, story rich games don’t sell?

    How many video game franchises are making the leap to tv/movies these days? Hint, it’s the ones with narrative driven, story rich games.

    Go ahead and make pay to win mobile games, I don’t play them and they rake in millions so it makes perfect business sense.

    But the idea that gamers don’t pay for good narrative driven, story rich games is laughable.

    I think the biggest problem with a lot of game franchises have is they only sell the game. So much money is being left on the table with the best efforts being a screengrab lazily printed on a cheap shirt that sells maybe one or two.

    If I could get some official, quality, Umbrella/Shinra/Arasaka/Faro corporation mugs, phone covers, meme tier shirts etc I’d be all over it.

  • People love crapping on the reality of resource economics.

    Someone is going to provide the coal.

    The real solution would be for Canada to be aggressive in its green energy programs (and start accessing resources other than lumber and oil).

    Being a leader in green energy production (not just by having nuclear, hydro etc) but actually producing solar, wind, batteries, etc for export.

    Using carbon based energy to create low carbon energy sources is the only way we’re going to successfully transition away from fossil fuels.

    The main problem is that we do 1% green and 99% carbon, and that number never really seems to change.

    Our carbon tax is not improving public options to ditch fossil fuels, which should be the whole point of a carbon tax (reduced use by increasing price, and using the tax to create low carbon alternatives).

    I doubt we’ll ever be serious about a green transition anytime soon.

  • Classic democratic party.

    Waiting until the last possible minute to begin pretending to protect Americans from the entitlements of billionaires.

    We knew Trump was running again

    We knew the media was sane washing everything Trump does, did, and will do

    He made specific promises to be a dictator and hinted at this being the last election

    He specifically promised to use the army domestically.

    Now, it’s almost a month after he won and Democrats are considering maybe doing something about framework regarding the army being used domestically.

    Both sides aren’t the same, but they’re both owned by the same people.

    Once upon a time Democrats could float the idea of capitulation to business interests to maintain Americans global business dominance. Nowadays any democrat who isn’t fully progressive on workers rights is just another flavor of corporate Greed.

  • Harder to be taken advantage of if you know the means by which one takes advantage of another.

    Knowing the wealthy need you more than you need them lets you make stronger demands and form unions.

    Being knowledgeable gives you job security and independence, you have intrinsic value as a capable resource - and if spurned can become a troublesome enemy because you understand your opponent and can take advantage accordingly

    Knowledge is absolutely power, and power gives you opportunity for freedom to choose how to live your life.

  • Generally, farmers bitch and cry about anything and everything, except for the things they actually should care about. Like sustainably, and corporate ownership of supply chains that collude on prices and distribution networks while putting all the risk on farmers.

    They are one of the more entitled voter blocks who live in a zero sum, anything to ‘survive’ at the expense of everything else mentality.

    We’d have dust bowl events every 5 years if farmers had their way. It’s absolutely an industry that demands government intervention, because sustainability isn’t short term profitable.

    I’m not suggesting that farmers are inherently bad/greedy/destructive of the environment, as the food supply chain often forces farmers to act this way, but that doesn’t change their current attitudes and approach to agriculture.

    My farmchair quarterback call is that Farmers crop yields should be half of their income, and sustainable practices, limited fertilizer and pesticide use, and overall soil quality and health should act as a multiplier to crop yields. So lower yields but better farming practices pays more than high yield, environment destroying, agriculture