Just wanted to reply here for the people that don’t have access to bluesky that a bunch of slammer’s old memes are on the website https://slammer.univer.se/
Just wanted to reply here for the people that don’t have access to bluesky that a bunch of slammer’s old memes are on the website https://slammer.univer.se/
In terms of nordic countries actions during WW2, Norway’s probably the least “evil”
I believe the mod has Gorbachev and Katushev as both aligned with suslov and the rest of party who are against Kaganovich’s plans like cybernetics. So Katushev would be reforming the economy back away from Kaganovich and Gorbachev would continue in deKaganovichisation. I have no clue if kaganovich was particularly pro cybernetics or if suslov was against them but that seems to be how the mod portrays them
It’s cursed but I can absolutely see him being pro Stalin in a timeline where Khrushchev never gets near the levers of power and soviet socialism works much better. He was like 25 when the secret speech came in our timeline so he could change dramatically by 1980 when he’s 49 years old.
Mod as in wanting a modification to Doom to have Dorner right? Not wanting a moderator right?
But yeah written text can really misconstrue a point.
Scared about privacy. Has a public reddit profile with a year long posting history.