You’re getting way too worked up against an internet stranger. Maybe take some time to appreciate what’s good around you and get into a better headspace.
And I strongly disagree cuck has any misogynist connotations, but that’s way beside the point.
You’re getting way too worked up against an internet stranger. Maybe take some time to appreciate what’s good around you and get into a better headspace.
And I strongly disagree cuck has any misogynist connotations, but that’s way beside the point.
You have the link to the guy’s blog, go shout that at him.
He’s proposing the GPL instead of these licenses, not exactly selfish. I don’t think the issue is being useful. Is complaining After people used your license as per its terms.
The web did.
But don’t let that stop you on your crusade to clean the web of foul words. I wish you all the best.
In case you haven’t noticed, I didn’t coin the term.
Can they answer “not no”?
Pretty sure it’s a shock and awe strategy by the author to make the term stick. And it worked.
A concise summary: https://wiki.installgentoo.com/wiki/Cuck_license
The trope namer: https://lukesmith.xyz/articles/why-i-use-the-gpl-and-not-cuck-licenses/
You’re the man/woman/person!
I’m not particularly fond of cuck licenses.
Got it, thanks.
Hold a sec. Rolling your own RDBMS out of a NoSQL database is insane. But is the opposite feasible? Wouldn’t it be a simple table with two columns: a key and a JSON blob?
Gotcha. Thanks!
Right, RDBMS for object permanence is a pain. It’s meant as efficient data storage and retrieval. But I counter that a huge amount of data problems are of that kind, and using object permanence for general database applications seems very contrived. I’m imagining loading a huge amount of data to memory to filter the things you need, essentially rolling your own DBMS. Am I missing something?
I don’t know if it was you, but thanks for the initiative.
Still under the umbrella and control of the Mozilla organization. Just a different subsidiary from Firefox. The concerns are very valid.
Right, and you’d never do a search for messages with a particular reaction, so there’s no functionality loss is this use case.
What I’m hearing is that they’re very different beasts for very different applications. A typical web app would likely need both.
Let me see if I got it. It would be like a denormalized table with a flexible number of columns? So instead of multiple rows for a single primary key, you have one row (the file), whose structure is variable, so you don’t need to traverse other tables or rows to gather/change/delete the data.
The downsides are the usual downsides of a denormalized DB.
Am I close?
That’s very Windows-y.