Pretty much. They are definitely socialist in their definition, but they believe in the weakest form of socialist revolution: Voting it in … On paper at least, in practice it’s hasn’t been looking good imo. The current ordfører bashing the worlds largest socialist project and them supporting NATO until an alternative is presented is worrying.
Commendably (Quite a while ago now) they did vote no to the removal of the EU forsvarsforbehold. (As the only left-wing party btw, some right-wing parties did vote no, but that’s because they want their own fascist militaries lol)
Direct democracy, socialist economy, community based governance, rewriting grundloven(constitution) etc. all good stuff on paper.
There is also this … The incident is rather cringe, the police removed a Tibet flag from protesters during a China-Denmark state visit, and the police officers themselves were reprimanded for acting on their own accord. But I find this post even more cringe.
Ah yes, let’s bring back feudal-theocratic slave rule to Tibet???